Too early to detect roos?

The head spot was symmetrical but blurry, the size of a nickel, there was faint black/grey on her legs, if this helps. There is only one of each breed, so the BR is all the same chick.
Hmmm. Blurry is typically the sign of a male, but usually the spot will extend down the neck with males.
It's not a given that headspot sexing will always work, however and really I would trust leg color more. I'm still gonna say female, but check back in about 3 or 4 weeks.
Hmmm. Blurry is typically the sign of a male, but usually the spot will extend down the neck with males.
It's not a given that headspot sexing will always work, however and really I would trust leg color more. I'm still gonna say female, but check back in about 3 or 4 weeks.
Was it the green legs that made you say EE instead of Ameraucana? And will she get darker maybe? She looks a bit like hawk bait to me right now... :-(
Was it the green legs that made you say EE instead of Ameraucana? And will she get darker maybe? She looks a bit like hawk bait to me right now... :-(
Yeah, the green legs tipped me off, but here's the thing.
Even purebreds can have green legs or lack a beard and muffs, etc and not be perfect specimens. It happens in every breed. I mean in every other regard, she looks pure. If she is pure, she should lay a blue egg.
Wait for her to mature (6+ months) and post her picture in the FAQ breeds section to see what others think, she should have a certain build. She could be Ameraucana, just not show quality.
What do you mean by get darker? It is possible her leg color could darken with age.
Also, she is not Blue Wheaton, she is white :)
Well, was hoping she would get some darker feathers in there. I have these (hopefully) hens as pets and egg layers, in that order, so of course I don't need a "show quality" hen! :) I did prefer a blue or green egg layer so lets cross fingers for that! THANK YOU so much for your responses!
That’s a hunk of comb on the australorp. That being said I’ve had huge comb australorp chicks turn out to be pullets that were just early developers. I agree that the white is a EE, probably a snowy EE. Im thinking girl since she’s solid with no leakage.
The BR confuses me since to me the barring isn’t pronounced as much on the body as it is on the breast. Also those feet are huge!
Where did these birds come from? A breeder or a feed store?
That’s a hunk of comb on the australorp. That being said I’ve had huge comb australorp chicks turn out to be pullets that were just early developers. I agree that the white is a EE, probably a snowy EE. Im thinking girl since she’s solid with no leakage.
The BR confuses me since to me the barring isn’t pronounced as much on the body as it is on the breast. Also those feet are huge!
Where did these birds come from? A breeder or a feed store?

A backyard breeder... But now I'm doubting her knowledge since Dear Prudence is apparently not even close to what this lady indicated, a blue wheaton lol. I really just hope they are pullets and healthy, so honestly if they are this I'll be thrilled. lol!

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