Too good to be true fencing deal 4 anyone who has Lowe's.....

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I just priced the exact same fencing today at our local Big R. It was $195.99!

I'm also wanting to use it around our perimeter to keep our dogs in.

That price sounds great to me.
13 ga is one size thicker that 14 ga.
The numbers are inversly proportional to the wire thickness.

28ga is a little thicker than a hair, 12ga is about the standard size of house wiring.

anyway, that stuff isn't good for chix but maybe big turkeys?
We have field fence around our perimeter, I think it has 4x4 inch squares. Keeps my dogs in. Keeps my geese and ducks in too.

I have welded wire horse fence for my other fences and pens, 2x2.
I have it around my yard, and it's fine for dogs. It's also around the chicken area, up to 8' high and a couple of chickens have only gone through it a couple of times, but just to get in the veggie garden.

It does make a very good fence if you put chicken wire over it, it shores up the chicken wire so dogs can't get through and it makes a solid place to attach the chicken wire.

I have the chicken wire to attach to mine, but since the chickens mostly stay put, I've been lazy about it.

While my turkeys can't climb through it, they can fly right over.

It is MUCH more durable than any welded wire. If you have horses, you need to be cautioned that they can get their hooves through it and tear up their legs. I wouldn't use it anywhere around horses because of the accidents with it that I've seen over the years.
I have thought about fencing part of my property with that fencing. I figure with a couple strands of electric I can keep my goats in and dogs out. I would line it with deer netting or poultry wire to keep the chickens and ducks in.
ok yes , it is a great deal . BUT not for chickens . unless you put that for overhead .and maybe doubling it to really predator proof it . We bought the same thing . BUT , 50 ft. roll was like $ 36.00 ? Something like that . AND we KNOW this was a great deal .... and YES , it was also bought at
LOWE'S ... ACTUALLY better to go with smaller holes . Like 1x2 ?
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Yep for a big dog yard this is a good deal (I have little guys wo can be in/out all day (dog door) so we went with the horse fencing - 2"Wx 4"H holes just to be safe). We actually bought a roll to start our swan yard with, will probably have to go back for more.
I use field fencing - I don't think its as strong as welded wire, but it works to keep in our horse, goat and chickens.
We also have it along the back of our property(chain link the rest), my Jack Russell (if it runs he MUST chase it) will go right through it. We had to put hardwire cloth along the bottom to keep him in. So, if you only want to keep big dogs in/out it should work fine.
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