Too many cockerels??


Sep 8, 2019
Scranton, PA
I purchased 6 bantam chicks 3 are 10 weeks & 3 are 6 weeks. 4 have turned out to be cockerels which clearly leaves me with only 2 pullets. Am I going to have a problem? I also have 1 cockerel & 8 pullets that are 6 months and 1 cockerel along with 6 pullets 10 weeks. The babies have all been raised together the 6 week old bantams have been in with the 10 week old ones for about 4-5 weeks now. I really don’t want to have to re-home any of my cockerel bantams since 3 of them are different breeds, & I love them all. I also don’t want to have to keep some separated from the rest of the flock, that just seems sad. No issues at all so far but I also know that won’t happen till these pullets start laying. Advice??
NO! Maybe one cockerel with two pullets, maybe.
These birds are very young, and you may find it easier to remove cockerels from your flock as they grow, either because of physical faults, or behavioral issues.
I like to keep possible 'keepers' longer, before deciding.
BUT, the pullets need to be happy too, and peace in the flock is very important.
we have one Easter Egger Rooster and he was raised with Two Silkie chicks all hatched the same day. Now he bosses the silkies and we just found out the one silkie is a rooster :thwe are not sure what to do with him now, he also runs away from my girls our 5 red Sexlink. I think we are going to have to find him a home. I hate too but i am not making another coop
Larry, moe, & curly (larry the Polish is the female)
Little Jerry
Gheorghe Muresan (not 100% on the name)

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