Too Much of a Good Thing?


7 Years
May 17, 2012
New Mexico
We have four chickens that are about 15 weeks old. They free-range in our backyard most of the day only going into their pen when it gets really hot - or rainy. Our lawn consists mostly of bermuda grass, dirt and a few weed patches. They have a constant supply of starter/grower available to them, but seem to prefer to eat the grass, leftovers and of course bugs! Is this okay? Do I need to be limiting their time out & about so that they eat more of their grower feed?

Just want to keep my darlin's healthy. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Eating greens and bugs is very good for them. I found that my youngsters grow quicker when I let them free range from a young age as apposed to keeping them cooped up until they are nearly full grown. We had to coop up a batch of chicks while we had a predator problem, but after we got that sorted we let a hen raise her chicks on grass and the difference in growth rates was remarkable. We did feed the cooped up youngsters well and gave them greens and bugs, but they obviously find better meals outside, roaming,
If you can do it safely (for the birds) then free-ranging is where it's at. Do it as much as you can. In the drought times and from about mid-fall through early spring they'll eat more of the storebought chicken feed. The rest of the year they'll forage up most of what they need which is as it should be.

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