Too much watermelon?


Feb 20, 2015
Willamette Valley, Oregon

I noticed my Langshans passing what looked like water today. I checked her crop and her vent as best I can, and they both look ok so I doubt sour crop/vent gleet. Should I be worried, or could it be just that she's had too much watermelon (three days in a row)?


I think it is from the watermelon. Especially three days in a row;) Mine do that too and it is even reddish colored. I would stop the watermelon and see if the poo firms up.
Yeah, I would also think it's from the watermelon. If you have room in your fridge, you can store watermelon rinds and things like that, so you can feed them sparingly, instead of a whole bunch at once or for several days in a row.
Yeah, I would also think it's from the watermelon. If you have room in your fridge, you can store watermelon rinds and things like that, so you can feed them sparingly, instead of a whole bunch at once or for several days in a row.

x2 This just happened to me. I fed half of a watermelon and my 14 week old chicks had watery droppings for about 36 hours. They're fine now but I will only give it once a week now and only about a quarter of the melon next time for my 26 chickens. Edit: I have stored half a watermelon (still on the rind) for a week in the fridge covered with plastic wrap and it stayed fresh
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Thanks all for your replies. I think I will try feeding it to them sparingly (just enough to cool them down) and only when we have a heat wave. I did seem to do the trick (cooling them down and making them more comfortable) this time.
Thanks all for your replies. I think I will try feeding it to them sparingly (just enough to cool them down) and only when we have a heat wave. I did seem to do the trick (cooling them down and making them more comfortable) this time.

Sounds like a good idea. I've just read this thread about cooling down hens during heatwaves might help -

It's a great recipe for making chicken mash...
I noticed the same thing happening with our girls. Watermelon now gets used in moderation! The poor girls now think every time I come out of the house I am bring watermelon - and they all start
Thanks all for your replies. I think I will try feeding it to them sparingly (just enough to cool them down) and only when we have a heat wave. I did seem to do the trick (cooling them down and making them more comfortable) this time.

I think it is more for keeping their blood sugars and electrolytes up than cooling them down. All food they eat goes into the crop not straight to the gut so does not cool them down or heat them up if feeding warm on a cold day.
When it is hot out they will drink a lot of straight water and not eat as much so they can end up out of balance.

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