Topic of the Week - Feeding Ducks

That is why we rec All Flock because it is the closest most of us can get to plain ole water fowl feed. With out ordering and freight would be cost prohibited. To be able to buy Duck specific feed for 12 a bag is unheard of here in the US. It's very expensive if you can find it.
I have raised most of my flock on Purina Flock Raiser and never had any problems with it not being a great feed for all poultry, I would have continued using it except I wanted to feed my flock NON GMO since I eat their eggs and I don't eat GMO food.
This is the only picture I have of my old coop and ramp. You can see it’s still a little too steep but the ducks could use it. It had treads and was painted with paint mixed with sand. The top half had “walls” to keep them from falling off the side.
Okay told you to ignore the poop everything is frozen solid can't even wash anything off but anyway one ramp first pics goes into Runners and Buffs house and also has my feed room in it next pic goes into duck/chicken house both are pretty wide ramps no one has a problem using them.Matter of fact the real wide one gets used a lot as you can tell.


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Nope it's a kerosene tank which will be leaving here end of winter.

I have a water barrel just need to get dh to set it up.
I was wanting to set up a barrel or two for the ducks. I’m hoping it will save on our water bill since they love their pool refreshed all the time. I also am going to order a larger sized sand pool filter so I can filter their water more instead of dumping it.
Hey duck friends! Two questions for everyone....
Our 2 Welshies are a year and a half old. They are on organic Purina starter/grower (18% protein) chicken feed crumbles and Sadie gets the same brand layer mixed in (1/2 & 1/2). Seems I need to switch to a maintenance flock raiser. Is this correct? (Also, any suggestions with the waste of food in their water dish/bucket? Always a sludgy mess at the bottom.)
Not related to feed but does anyone have suggestions for a small pond (150-200 gal) pump and filter for duck pond? Building a barn and would love not to have a kiddie pool to clean everyday.
Thanks for your thoughts!!

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