Topic of the Week - Incubating eggs

Hi! I am getting an incubator! I plan on hatching some leghorn eggs. This might be a stupid question, but if the eggs have 2 yolks, will there be two embryos in it? I get double yolkers all the time.
Yes. BUT.... the chances of both embryos surviving to hatch is very very low and in the few cases it has happened assisting has been necessary. Unlike mammals, an egg is limited by it's nutrients and space making it unlikely to provide for 2 embryos. Many find it unethical to knowingly incubate double yolkers because it's starting a life that has little chance to thrive. Like setting them up for failure. It comes down to personal convictions.
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Can just one of them survive and hatch? Also, is there a way to tell if the egg has one yolk or two without cracking it open?
Thank you! I will check my eggs for double yolks. Also, do you have to comepletly fill the incubator, or can you do a half batch?

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