Topic of the Week - Managing Your Chickens' Molt

Do I just leave it alone? They keep growing back and then boom - gone. 😂
I have 1 Roo, poor boy never has his beautiful long tail feathers, I suspect 1 hen in particular keeps plucking them out...but he let's her!
He has all his tail feathers he is missing some neck feathers. It's his saddle feathers they are pulling.
In late summer/early fall, your coop is full of feathers, and your birds are half-naked. First, if you don't know what is happening, you might panic and wonder if they have a parasite or something attacking them but that is not the case, they are just molting and it's an entirely natural process.

This week I would like to hear your thoughts and practices on managing your chickens' molt. Specifically:

- How do you tell if they are molting or infested with parasites?
- Feed supplementation - do you change their diet in any way?
- What do you do to prepare for emergencies during molting?

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I've never had a proper molt before. Hopefully I can get some funny looking birds this year! I've been finding feathers all ober the place but no bald patches
This is the same for me. My coop is FULL of feathers, but all of my chickens looked so normal I never noticed anything but the feathers. I just know when this hard molt happens I’m going to panic and think they have parasites! 😆

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