Topic of the Week - What do/can you do with unwanted roosters?

I’m always afraid somebody’s gonna say they will rehome them and turn them into fighting birds or something awful
See once it leaves my house they can cook it, feed it to a snake, show it in 4h… i did my part. Gave it food / water / shelter for the time being. But if it disturbs the rest of the flock , “it is what it is” …

Because you had 3 outa 4 should be no reason to stop hatching. Thats part of having chickens. Understanding straight run or hatching ur own u gona end up with extra roos. They have to go somewhere.
I use a piece of t post. Its solid metal with an edge on 3 sides and has the nibs for fencing . Once the head / neck goes under, foot on each side of head.. pull straight up . Instant separation. Hardly any flapping. Clpser u get to head with feet and firmer push dowm with feet easier it goes. Im a little over 300 lb, so really its dead soon as i lock the neck in
I take care of business like Rene Zellweger did on the porch in the movie Cold Mountain. 🙂
I guess I'm lucky. I have the space to have a bachelor coop for my extra boys. I only harvest if a rooster exhibits aggression towards myself or injures/kills a hen or kills another rooster. No way I will tolerate any one of the three.

Roosters integrated in with the hens have worked out a pecking order and generally behave themselves with one another. The flock masters for the standard sized and bantam flocks keep the junior, insubordinate roosters in line.

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