Topic of the Week - When eggs go wrong

After my sweetie laid a few soft eggs, she developed egg yolk peritonitis. Now my Brahma has laid a few shell less eggs, but she is a brand new layer, so I am not freaking out just yet. When my egg yolk peritonitis girl started coming back into lay (after her hormones wore off... I put her on hormones since her body stopped making eggs properly and it was making her sick), she passed some pretty strange looking partial egg oddities. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures to share.
Most of mine are good quality eggs. From time to time I see cracked eggs and once I got a lash egg after my hen was sick for a while, but the weirdest egg I ever got was a truly astounding 115+ gram egg that turned out to be a double-yolker.


Very cool scale
I got this jello egg few weeks back. Since then there has been a smushed egg almost daily. I have gotten two with shells. One had a hole in it and the second was ok but paper thin. I can't put out oyster shells because I have chicks that are 17 weeks and not laying yet. Not really sure who is having the problem. I think it's one of my Wyandotte mixes.
I was told if you put out the oyster shell into a separate container the ones who need it should eat it and the others won't, supposedly they know what it's for. I put out crushed egg shells (from my chickens, not store bought) in a separate dish for them. My girls eat it, but the cockerels don't. It's weird how excited they get about it too.
View attachment 1139050 I got this jello egg few weeks back. Since then there has been a smushed egg almost daily. I have gotten two with shells. One had a hole in it and the second was ok but paper thin. I can't put out oyster shells because I have chicks that are 17 weeks and not laying yet. Not really sure who is having the problem. I think it's one of my Wyandotte mixes.

You absolutely CAN put out oyster shell now. You can put them out year round, even when you have baby chicks in your flock. The birds that need the extra calcium will eat them. The other birds might do an exploratory taste, but they won't eat the OS if their bodies don't crave the calcium.
Yes, we have had thin-shelled eggs all summer from two of our ladies and wrinkled eggs from our Leghorn. Please help! We need advice. We've tried a few different things (oyster shells, their own shells, formulas in their water for general overall health) but nothing is working. Every single day there are 1-3 broken eggs in the coop. This has been going on for months, since last spring. Grateful for any help.

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