Tornado watch now????

Rain, rain, go away, come back in December or Janurary so we can have a darn inch of SNOW this decade! Ugh, Im so sick of being wet!!!
You and me both. Before I moved to Arkansas I never knew it was possible to get sick of rain.
We had tornado watches yesterday, not warnings. For warnings my DH tells me I'm suppose to go to the storm cellar out back. No thanks, not uh, I'm not going. I'll take my chances in the bathroom before I'll enter that creepy ol' storm cellar.
If it didn't come back til March I'd be happy.
I would even be happy if the ground was frozen but the wetness is unreal. We have had two days of partial sun and wind but there are still puddles everywhere (even where there have never been any before) and you sink at least a good 2-3" when you walk. If we get anymore rain I may have to buy hip waders just to step outside. LOL
You and me both. Before I moved to Arkansas I never knew it was possible to get sick of rain.
We had tornado watches yesterday, not warnings. For warnings my DH tells me I'm suppose to go to the storm cellar out back. No thanks, not uh, I'm not going. I'll take my chances in the bathroom before I'll enter that creepy ol' storm cellar.

Wish we had a storm cellar to go to. We just have a crawl space under the house. Not a great place to go for someone who hates spiders, snakes and is claustrophobic. LOL
It's noon here and dark outside and storming - again. I've been keeping an eye out for a tornado all morning - even the chickens are huddled under things and staying in the coop and our GSD, Rex, keeps staring at the sky as if he sees a hawk but he's not chasing anything and barking - just staring.

It's been raining every day for over three months. I can only remember maybe two days in the last three months that it didn't rain. And by rain, I mean torrential downpour - water running under the doors into the house, ceiling leaking, pens/coops flooding. The ground outside is so boggy you sink to walk, if you don't slip in the mud.

Only good thing, our pond is filling again. The one that completely dried up and we lost all of our fish - because we had two months of not a single drop of rain and 100 degree temps this summer. Everyone prayed for rain and I guess the Lord heard and answered. It hasn't stopped raining since.

I feel for the farmers who must be watching their crops and livelihood die. The farmers in this area had total drought and extreme heat for two months only to be followed by daily storms for the next three months. And now our winter is approaching and temps are dropping.

Just seeing that one of the storms beat all my lettuce and young winter crop to pieces makes me really feel for the farmers and what they must be going through.
So sorry to hear that. Are you taking advantage of the rain and catching some in barrels so in case you have another dry spell next year you'll have some extra water to use? We have managed to get a few barrels filled around here. If we get anymore rain I'll have to get some more. The forecast called for rain last night through the weekend but today is partially sunny and really windy!!!!!! The leaves are basically all off the trees, branches down, the roof keeps coming off my dd's playhouse and I'm hoping that the roof on the shed/coop we're working on doesn't fall in since it hasn't been completely secured yet. On the bright side though, it feels as if it's at least 75* out. I won't complain about that.
I hope your weather improves there! It sounds just awful! Another year of extremes!!!!!

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