Tornados and Driving == What to do?


It Is What It Is
10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
I was driving today and got a weather alert message on my phone that there was tornado warnings in the the county I was driving through. So I pulled over at the fire station in town and waited things out.

My question is: If I had been a few miles further when I got the alert, I would of been in nowhere land. What are you suppose to do?

Hope everyone is safe with Lee moving through the southeast and causing such a commotion.
Well, we're at 6 inches of rain with Lee, and still have tonite to go. But so far, so good for the most part. If you're caught in a tornado warning out in the middle of nowhere, get outta your car and hit the ditch. A ditch is the best place, as it's a low area.
They say to get out of your car and get in a ditch.

....mmm, if there are no houses around? I might floor it.
but that means I need to out run something going 80 miles an hour. yikes. So then I'd cry out to Jesus.
Saaave meeee!
This is why I watch disaster movies
You head for the nearest overpass and park, then run up the sides of it as close to top as you can get and hang on for dear overpass? lay in a ditch they say, but I really can't see that helping
In reality I think I would be frozen in fear and still sitting in my car.
I thought I saw a show that said, actually it isn't a great idea because it creates a wind tunnel through there. But I've seen it work for some that got it on tape. I'll have to investigate that further because I would have thought of doing that as well.
Oh my, I just can't imagine getting out of my car and into a ditch. Please someone tell me the benefit of leaving a 2000 pound vehicle to be out in the open in a ditch.

Yep I'd have to go with this too.
I'd cry out to Jesus. hide Saaave meeee!

Thanks MeatKing -- all is well.

Yea, I would think being under a bridge/overpass would be a good thing--Maple, let us know what you find out.
I thought I saw a show that said, actually it isn't a great idea because it creates a wind tunnel through there. But I've seen it work for some that got it on tape. I'll have to investigate that further because I would have thought of doing that as well.

I would second that one but it's a chance you have take. Same for the ditch, even it might be safe but the flying debris and water can get you trapped. However you would have better odds.

Tie yourself to a rock, a big rock and let me know if you have survived it.
I thought I saw a show that said, actually it isn't a great idea because it creates a wind tunnel through there. But I've seen it work for some that got it on tape. I'll have to investigate that further because I would have thought of doing that as well.

I would second that one but it's a chance you have take. Same for the ditch, even it might be safe but the flying debris and water can get you trapped. However you would have better odds.

Tie yourself to a rock, a big rock and let me know if you have survived it.

And hope that a Volkswagen isn't being hurled toward you and your rock. Ditch is the best way to go, because tornadoes skip across high or level ground. In a ditch, you will be protected. You may get wet and rainsoaked, and have a mobile home land above the ditch, but crawl out. You will get sucked out from under an overpass.
I must preface this by saying that I am somewhat fatalistic about tornadoes. It drives my mother crazy, but there you have it. I figure if it hits my house there isn't a safe place. I might as well die in comfort on the sofa.
The last one that went over my place and ripped the roof off I was actually chasing cats around trying to get them in crates. I stopped in the dining room and watched the tree by the coops almost lay down flat. It was scary stuff.

That being said, if I was in my car and I did not see it or hear it or have a definite radio warning that that sucker was on the ground and moving towards me, I probably would keep driving until I could stop at a secure building. There is so much debris flying around that I would think getting in a ditch would just be begging for a head injury. I know the danger in the car is that you will be picked up and tossed, but I'm thinking that would take a direct hit.

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