Totally Off Chicken Topic (it's about my sick puppies :(...) *UPDATE*


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
Philly, PA
Hi again everyone,
You guys have been so wonderful and such an incredible well of information that I was wondering if maybe you guys could help me with this.

I just adopted two puppies from the shelter both with an upper respiratory illness. The shelter gave me a full course of antibiotics for them both which is now finished and they are both still coughing, sneezing and have runny noses.
I have also been giving them those Emergen-C's (the vitamin C effeversant packets) and a children's herbal cough remedy without showing much improvement. I also have, several times, brought them into the bathroom and steamed it up with hot water running from the shower.
They have been like this since the 27th of March.

How long will this last?

Is there something else...ANYTHING else...I can do? I feel so terrible for the two of them.
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It is likely your puppies are suffering from a virus called "kennel cough." All animals that come to a shelter are vaccinated for this but your pups probably got it before the vaccine kicked in. Antibiotics won't help a virus but the vet should have something to treat them. My lab got kennel-cough a few years ago and I took her to the vet but I forgot how it was treated. There is a certain type of fruit juice that supposedly helps the problem but I'm uncertain of its effectiveness. Give the vet a call as soon as you can. I'm not sure how serious the virus is but my dog responded well to the treatment and is now doing fine. She just turned 10 today!
I agree it sounds like kennel cough (aka Bordatella, I think). I agree to call the vet ASAP with your suspicions and see what they say to do. The vaccine is very effective in older dogs, so once you get this bout of it cleared up, keep their vaccines current. In my area, you must show proof of this vaccine in order to board your dogs at the kennel.
Good luck--keep us posted.
I'm thinking if I have to take them back to the PSPCA clinic they are just going to give me another round of antibiotics. Which I agree if this is a virus will be ineffective. *sigh*

I hate this kind of thing. Raising puppies are like raising kids. You worry the same way, you know?

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Well, I think I am going to just suck it up and take them to my regular vet. Technically, I shouldn't have to because I am SUPPOSED to be able to get three free weeks of clinic care from the shelter I adopted them from.
But at this point I have lost confidence in their ability to treat my pups correctly being that I have already been there twice and I see not even a partial recovery.
What else can I do?
Keep in mind that Bordatella (Kennel Cough) is a virus. The antibiotics really won't do anything unless they have a secondary bacterial infection of some sort, and since you finished the first course with no improvement, you can assume they don't.

I'm a vet. asst. and have seen a lot of kennel cough. There are instances where dogs can develop a chronic cough that takes months to clear up. Shame on the rescue for not issuing them the Bordatella vaccine immediately upon their intake.

Your vet can perscribe you meds that will help with the cough, but most likely it will be a matter of letting the virus run its course.

The Bordatella vaccine can be given nasally or as a shot, and it's an excellent idea to have you dog vaccinated yearly against it if you plan on having them boarded. Here in PA, I think most kennels require proof that your dog is vaccinated against it.

Good luck with your pups! Here's to hoping they clear up soon.
I made an appointment for 5pm today. My vet is being very kind and told me that I only have to bring in one (so only have to pay one office fee) and he will prescribe medicine for them both.
By the way I forgot to tell you guys last vet said it was definitely kennel cough, but from the way one of my pups had such green/yellow boogers and a fever he thought it was a bacterial form of it, and one too strong for a weak dose of such a broad spectrum antibiotic as amoxicillian and gave him one shot of Clavomax as well as a prescription to take home for both of the puppies. He also prescribed hydrocodone/homatrepine for the cough.

I think this should take of them much better.

My poor little babies. But I already see a slight improvement this morning.
Sounds like you did the right thing. They will sleep well with the Hydrocodone (also known as Vicodin). There is also an Asian fruit called Loquat which is high in Vit. A which boosts the immune system and strengthens the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract. You can buy fruit juices that contain this fruit at local health food stores or markets. Just don't give it to anyone or anything that has been diagnosed with Diabetes. There is too much sugar in the Loquat fruit.

Just always ask your healthcare professional or DVM before starting your own "doctoring". It may interfere with a course of treatment or worse. Best of luck to you and your babies.
Whoops, replied to this by mistake, I ended up on the oldest page instead of the newest page
Wonder how these pups are now, they will be 6 yrs old
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