Totally Truthful Breedersj

shady breeders

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I sell straight run chicks $ 5.00 ea, older pullets $15.00 ea, point of lay pullets and older hens $25.00 and up. I always get people that want pullets, no one says " Hey I want to come buy a load of roos" . I cannot tell wether they are pullets or roos untill 3 to 4 months old if I could tell, then I would move them to the pullet pen and charge more. Every once in a while a roo will be sexable younger but never a pullet. When people come they want pullets but rarely want to spend the extra money. What I should do is put my hand in the pile and pull out the appropriate # of birds that they want and say her you go, this many straight run chicks. Thats $5.00 each. But no, I always loose myself some money later because I know they want pullets and even though I am not sure, I try to pick the most pullet looking chicks for people because, while they are being frugal, I want them to be happy.

I have even given extra birds to people that buy sexed pullets just in case I am wrong with the gender on 1 or 2.

Like everyone else has said. If you wanted pullets, you should have bought pullets. You bought straight run which means it could be boys, it could be girls, but you are gambling that you will win the jackpot and get mostly girls for only $5.00 ea, not the other way around.

I realize what I bought were straight run and knew the chances were 50/50 not disputing that fact.Its the question of what she knew, that is what has me wondering if people that sell chickens might do things like this to new chicken owners.The lady that I bought them from seems very knowledgeable and knows alot about her birds and was very nice. Some other people I've talked too say the same thing they bought a bunch of roos.When I went to pick up the tetratint she picked out one and said thats not the you want your looking for a pullet so she grabbed another and I don't think shes one either.Some other things have me thinking about it but I'm way to new at all this so I will give her the benefit of the doubt.I don't think she is out to get me or anyone else.
You're still missing a key point. If you buy 3 chicks the odds of any one being a pullet is not necessarily 50-50. The sample is too small. In a group of 10,000 chicks you should get a nearly 50-50 breakdown. In a group of 3 it's entirely possible to get 3 males or 3 females.
I'll tell the story od my Red Bantams again. I started with 36 eggs of which 33 hatched: 29 cockerels & 4 pullets.
You wanted pullets but you bought straight run. Now you are complaining because what you got was straight run and not pullets.

That's like really wanting a Ferrari, but telling the dealer you want to buy a Volkswagen. Then going home and calling the dealer dishonest because you got a Volkswagen and didn't get the Ferrari you wanted.

Have to agree with this. If you want to rant about getting 3 roosters I get that. I've been disappointed to find my straight run a little less than 50/50 too. Doesn't mean the breeder was dishonest though, esp. when you dealt with a small biz person it sounds?
Oh yes! I breed and sell Silkies and Showgirls. They can be hard to sex until they are like 5 to 6 months old. All I can do for a buyer that want's a pullet is give my best guess at younger than that
and say....what do you think? If under 4 months it's straight run only because I can't tell the sex.
If I could I'd be keeping all the good pullets for my breeding

I realize what I bought were straight run and knew the chances were 50/50 not disputing that fact.Its the question of what she knew, that is what has me wondering if people that sell chickens might do things like this to new chicken owners.The lady that I bought them from seems very knowledgeable and knows alot about her birds and was very nice. Some other people I've talked too say the same thing they bought a bunch of roos.When I went to pick up the tetratint she picked out one and said thats not the you want your looking for a pullet so she grabbed another and I don't think shes one either.Some other things have me thinking about it but I'm way to new at all this so I will give her the benefit of the doubt.I don't think she is out to get me or anyone else.
I get what your saying and yes there is always the possibility that the lady has a hunch about what is pullets and what is roos. She could be dishonest about it but none of us know her and so it would be wrong of us to say she is dishonest when we really don't know the situation. Now if you had paid for pullets and got roos you would have more reason to be upset. Still wouldn't mean she is dishonest, merely attempting to sex them too soon.

From what you are saying it seems like her intent was to find you a pullet. But a guess is still a guess and I myself am confounded time after time with my birds.

I don't think the breeder was shady at all. I sell sexed hen chicks and roosters here at the farm. I charge a beginning price for each breed, and the price increases with the birds age. I sex chicks for customers, and guarantee them to be the sex I am selling them. Most customers want hens and maybe one rooster. I usually give the roosters away, or charge very little for them. If I make a mistake, I will take back the unwanted rooster and exchange him for a hen. Or if I am out of the breed someone wants, I will give them a credit or another bird that's available. I always try to make a fair adjustment if I have made a mistake. I do make mistakes (not often) but occasionally, as some breeds are not as easy for me to sex.

I usually do not sell straight run chicks, unless they are under a week old. After that I sell the hens, or breeding pairs and trios.

If a person wants all hens, it is best to pay a little extra to have them sexed. I often grow out my chicks for people that don't want to keep a brooder. Everyone seems to appreciate this service and they are more than happy to pay me extra to grow out their birds and sex them.

I vote, most breeders work hard to keep customer relationships at a high standard. I know that I do!
I agree with what everyone else has mentioned already, the only thing I would add is this: Yes, there are shady people out there in the world of poultry, who just try to create or breed things for a profit, and nothing more. There are a lot of people here in this site that have birds simply for that reason, or they will have several different breeds and try to raise as many of the "most popular"
breed at the time just to have more to sale for profit. These things happens everywhere and by alot of people, and not only by the rich or greedy. But to be honest, most people who raise and actually care for their flocks dont have them for this purpose, they truely have them for the self enjoyment that they bring. It costs alot of money to feed and care for any animal, and in todays economy most people dont have the extra cash to throw around to feed extra birds. But on the flip-side, when considering selling anything, you have to consider the time, effort, and money that went into doing things like this. Most people dont want to rip anyone off, but they dont want to short change themselves either. But you have to remember, everyone beats to the sound of their own drum, and not everyones sounds the same.

There is nothing wrong with raising farm animals and being intelligent enough to turn a small profit. Most people are lucky if they can make enough money to pay for their feed and have a few fresh eggs to share with their neighbors. America's farmers, whether large or small, work hard to make a small profit. Many of them go under every year. If anyone can make a little extra cash in our sad economy, they have my vote. I lost my job to NAFTA over 15 years ago, like many others. This country is great because of "Free Enterprise" and projects and inventions. Most people that have projects will never recover the money spent on their hard work. It is truly a labor of love~ A joyous escape from stress and worry.
If people that raise poultry for profit are considered "Shady", then there is a long list of "Shady" poultry farmers and hatcheries that would certainly beg to differ. Make a profit if you are able~ it's the American Way!
Amen Bunny Momma. It is a joy and a blessing that every day I can work with something I love and enjoy doing. It is not always easy and not air conditioned (except when I am on here), but well worth it.

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