TOTW Problems?

I see, I was just wondering if you knew something I did not. I wish I could get the better feed here locally.
Just completed morning chores (have the frozen hands to prove this), and everything seems OK. The affected dogs passed some mucousy, loose stools but otherwise are alert and acting normally. I'm fairly convinced that this was related to some short term infectious GI problem. I had a fleeting similar problem 5 or 6 years ago. Vet said it was most likely some obscure undefined virus. This makes me happy because I really like the results I have achieved feeding TOTW. Redhen, hope all is going well with your dogs. Sourland George.
I don't know that I would jump to the conclusion that the food is off just because a couple of dogs had an off night. I would presume a slight intestinal bug unless something else comes up.

oops, sorry, didn't read the entire thread and just saw your post above mine........
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I feed TOTW Prairie and just finished a bag and started a new one. No problems at my place on the West Coast.

I just remembered, I had one dog throw up and one with diarreah on the same night last week but I figure they ate too much goat or pony poo that didn't agree with them because they were fine the same day.
Brindlebtch, not jumping to any conclusions here. I've had animals entirely too long to be that foolish.
I was simply trying to resolve a problem, and that included analysis of all possible causes.
No problems here but we are currently switching to kent native due to the higher kcals for a lower cost and the dogs like it better than even canned food. Only downside is Native kibble does contain grains but it's grains I don't mind so much like rice and barley. I've found diamond to be a pretty reputable company with named specific ingredients in most if not all their foods so I don't really worry too much about the quality but that's not to say every company can't produce a bad batch. Kent is having recalls of several feed and supplements because vitamin d3 did not get added like it was suppose to. A few organic grain free companies I've gotten dog food from in the past have had reported bad bags or lots. It happens to the best of them. I would try another bag whether of the same brand or different for awhile and see if the problem goes away or not before throwing all the food. If it does turn out to be related to the food be sure to contact the company since any good company will want to know these things.

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