Tougher membrane in eggs than store bought


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Does anyone else notice that the membrane inside of the eggs are tougher than store bought eggs? They are definitely harder for me to crack compared to store bought. I love my fresh eggs as they taste so much better. Maybe the tougher membrane keeps all the flavor in : )
I've heard that the membranes weaken the older the egg gets. Since the eggs you buy at the store are older the fresh ones you are likely to experience the difference pretty easy.

I have BO that lay brown eggs, the membranes are hard to break.

But on the other hand, I have four Brown leghorns that lay white eggs and the membranes virtually pop easily.

(and they are all fed the same diet and share the same pen.)

So it could have something to due with genetics.
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The nutrition in the eggs is also alot better for you than the eggs from the commercial caged, abused hens that never eat any living food at all! Pretty sad that anyone would even support that industry, when eggs for sale signs aren't hard to find?

I figured out just how hard they were to break when my daughter threw one at the wall with the force of both arms. :mad:

I picked it up off the kitchen floor to witness the tiniest hairline fracture I've ever seen.

I had a fried egg sandwich for lunch while she got a time out.
i was going to mention hard-boiled eggs here as an example of scarily tough membranes on fresh eggs. fyi, you can drop your eggs in icy cold water after you boil them and that will help with the peeling process.
I've heard somewhere (on BYC) that adding a little vinegar to the boiling water will help break down the strength of the membrane as well.

Might want to do a "search" for "boiling egg tips".

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