Toughest dog toy?

The fire hose toys have less than a 5 minute lifespan with my dog! We do have a big jolly balll and sometimes she plays with it but not much. I have used Jeffers once.too.
FYI--Lily was the name of my sweet mare
Just a thought, but seeing as how we're in deer and hunter may want to ask around and see if you can get remaining deer bones (femurs are a FAVORITE) of all of our dogs from hunters. Many people have no idea what to do with the bones after they've gotten the meat, so that's an option.

Then there's the option of button-bucks, four-pointers, etc. The ones that some men aren't proud of. They may part with those antlers. After the rut, go in the woods and find some shed deer antlers.

To advertise that you want deer bones, go into hunting/sports shops and put up an ad, feedstores, heck even Wal-Mart if they'll let you.
must be because mine was mixed with lab, but she hardly ever destroyed toys unless she was stressed. I'd went out of town one weekend and boarded her at the vet's, her poor little stuffed animal squeeker had taken a beating, and her plastic mini-football was flattened, but other than that time, they all survived! I'd get the $1 stuffed animal squeekers for her, and they'd last until they were just nasty, then I'd give them to my dad's dog to tear up when I bought Baby a new one!
FYI beware of the dog toys you buy. I recently saw a special program and seems some of the toys are very dangerous just like kids toys. One that they highlighted was tennis balls. The ones intended for dogs had high levels of dangerous chemicals but the ones that are made for people to hit with a racket were safe. Figure that out.
The problem with tennis balls is that excessive use causes tennis ball mouth. Here's a quick link about it. My dog would flex the ball in her jaw for hours in addition to playing with it. When we noticed the extent of the wear on her teeth (including the exposed dentin) we got rid of the tennis balls. Her "fetch" balls are now non-abrasive since she's a chewer. Not all dogs have the problem, but chewers need to be watched.

Also, Ironimagery, thanks for letting us know about the toxins! I was unaware of that (though it makes sense!).
If they can destroy a black kong you aren't going to find a toy made of synthetic materials that lasts a week. You are better off getting bones or something like the deer antlers. A cow femur can keep zami busy out in the yard until I decide it's been there long enough and throw it out in the woods for the wildlife. She can turn knuckle bones the size of her head into 2" pieces within the hour. After hunting season last winter Zami's breeder just left a deer carcass in the yard for all of hers. Zami isn't interested in any nonfood items so I don't know what she could do to a kong. She won't even chew on a puppy kong and prefers to just lick any treats out of the inside. I do know what she can do to my arm. The first time I wore a long sleeve shirt in the fall when she was about a year old she grabbed my arm not realizing that she had me. I moved my arm with her pull and she let go in an instant but in that time she bruised my whole forearm, left some grooves in the skin, and I could feel the bones in my arm being pressed together. I sure wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of those jaws.
My arm would have shattered in a second. There's no way any rubber toy could stand up to that if she actually had any interest in toys. The only thing she enjoys aside from bones is pulling the stuffing out of stuffed animals.

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