"Toulouse" geese

Funkhaus Farm

5 Years
May 2, 2016
I got two hatchlings from a bin marked "Toulouse Geese" at Rural King about a month ago. Although their plumage is similar, one has a black beak and the other's is yellow. Is this a variation within the breed or do I have two different breeds?
This is what I had to figure out too...
Black 🖤 tip is female
I read...so babies know who to go to for food.
Idk if that is true? But that is how I knew I had a male and female pair ♥️ the gander is all yellow 💛
But I haven't seen an all black 🖤 bill?
What did it end up being?
I can't see the pictures but i have male dewlap toulouse and both their beaks started off black - they'll change colour to the standard orange as they age.

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