Toys for Ducks

I did get him a hanging toy with a bell and hung it from top of his new cage. At just 10 days old he's already outgrown the 20gal aquarium/brooder. But he panics at night when he can't see me so he still spends the night in the aquarium on my night stand.

He's also outgrown the bowl in the above video
so I got him one of those plastic dishpans from the dollar store. He really likes it for his daily bath but there's no room for him to swim around or dive (he's growing SO fast!) sooooo.... I introduced him to the bath tub. LOL. He had a lot of fun splashing around and trying to "swim". I had the water just deep enough for his little feet to reach the bottom in case he tired. I was cracking up because he'd stand on one foot kinda tippy toe and move his other like he was swimming, then seemed a bit confused why he wasn't moving.
. I have a video of his silliness but still need to trim it down from almost 7 minute!

He does like knocking around the hanging toy with bell and also enjoys a tiny (2 inches tall) plushy cat toy. He takes the plushy to his house and uses it for a pillow or swings it by the arms/legs. When I'm on here a bit longer and can post pics, I'll add video/photos of Quackers and his toys.
He is being the perfect little drake! My Pekin, who is full grown (gargantuan) still does exactly the same moves in water--and more. Quackerjacks accomplishes several things when "playing:" of course he gets pleasure from the sensation of the water. Also, he cleans himself. And the head bobbing movement builds muscle in his neck. By now he muct have started to flap his little arms, yes? When he gets full grown, that can be an impressive sight.
Keep up the good work.
No wonder my runners neck is strong enough to knock me in the head for attention!!!

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