Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

They are hatching. They didn't start hatching until day 22 and it is just one chick at a time. I think my biggest problem was the long drive home. They were slow developing and developed at a uneven rate. 48 eggs went down to 24 at 10 days. Out of those I don't expect all of them to hatch. Day 23 is half over and I've still got pips in eggs.
Even with such a high loss, I think I'd do it again. I'd have to do it in better driving weather and when I knew we were coming straight home. I'll add pictures to this when I take some.

Maybe for your drive next time put them in a cooler with chill packs? I've had good success with that when my shipped eggs were delivered over the span of a week. All eggs hatched within 24 hours.

Please do post pics of your fuzzy souvenirs!
Maybe for your drive next time put them in a cooler with chill packs?  I've had good success with that when my shipped eggs were delivered over the span of a week.  All eggs hatched within 24 hours.

Please do post pics of your fuzzy souvenirs!

I did have them in a cooler and I did have a thermometer to keep an eye on the eggs but they sweated kind of bad. They were wet and I think that is what did them in.
hi all . I think this thread is a bit unfair considering the only people that have the Trader Joe's fertile eggs are in California. All the rest of us are "in the club" but really kind of "on the outside looking in". SO, I decided to give Whole Food's "cage free fertile" eggs a whirl, for all those people without Trader Joe's, and the people that have Trader Joe's that doesn't carry fertile eggs. After giving one carton a go, I realized I had messed the whole thing up. I didn't leave them out 12 hours, though the first carton was extremely fresh, I didn't have a proper thermometer and I had no hygrometer. I trashed them and got some REAL equipment. I got foil insulation in my home made "inky" (I'm broke. No professional incubator for me!), got a good hygrometer and thermometer, went to whole foods and got 3 day old fertile eggs. I got 2 cartons, so 24 eggs, cracked six open, leaving 18 eggs to incubate. I left them out for 12 hours while I calibrated my thermometer and made "egg trays" so the eggs could not slide over onto the wrong side. I ended up putting in 10 eggs, leaving me with 8 eggs left at and early hour in the morning (one o'clock or half past midnight). I then discovered that some of the eggs were in the 80's !! I moved them up and put in three more to make up for any that hit the 90's but wasn't kept at a consistent 90 or higher. Now, I have 5 eggs left, with 13 in the incubator. Out of the 6 eggs I cracked open, 5 gave me the TINY doughnut appearance, and one gave me an even tinier white dot, an infertile egg. Of course, nobody has every pointed the "bulls eye" or "doughnut" out to me, so I am just guessing, comparing the 5 to the teeny tiny white dot. Of course, the hatch rates of these eggs from BYCers dance into ZERO several times. I've heard of one success story without pictures... But for investing less than 20 bucks, what can it hurt?
Oh no! There's a Trader Joe's 15 minutes from my house. I'll need to check if they sell fertile eggs. I'm not in CA, far from there.
I hatched Trader Joe's eggs but all the other eggs I hatched would have gone to the health food store in town. I just picked them up before they made the trip to town.
Yes, yes, not SUPPOSED to. What do people talk about 99% of the time here? About Trader Joe's chicks. Well, some don't have that OPTION.. Speaking of which, I called into Trader Joe's and asked if they sold fertile eggs and the guy thought I was like RETARDED !! I'm just trying to open up other places as an option besides Trader Joe's and Safeway... All I have is Whole Foods :/ Their hatch rates are POOP, but I got super fresh eggs, so maybe... just maybe... Anyway, today is day one, so 2 more days until candling ! Hopefully I have 5 developing of the 13 at LEAST.

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