Training chickens to go back in the coop

Our birds know the scratch cup and come scrambling back to the run after just a couple shakes of it. All 30 have picked it up but some were faster than others.

There are a few keys I've learned. We only give treats/scratch in the run or coop and in small amounts. So if they're ranging and want any goodies, they gotta come back before they miss out. We also use the same large brightly colored cup so there is both a visual and audible cue for them to notice. Routine helps, as others have mentioned. It's easiest to get them to come back as it gets dark or at the same time each day, although ours will return whenever at this point. And lastly, finding the right treat is key. Ours aren't crazy about meal worms but go nuts for a certain scratch. Try a few different snacks out.

It can certainly be a challenge so I do feel your pain. I have a barnevelder who occasionally stays out too late and sleeps in a big bush. She will come in for her scratch, have the gate close behind her, and then be gone by bedtime headcount not too long later. I was very confused how it kept happening until we recently caught her flying over the 6 foot fence to range more right before bed. I also have a cream legbar that will occasionally change which of our 3 coops she returns to and sleeps in based on where she sees the best opportunity to hog scratch.

Never a dull moment. Best of luck!
I use cracked or rolled corn. As many suggested call chick chick chick or what ever word or noise you want. Train on it first as soon as you let them out making your call just scatter it on the ground.
Now remember corn is to be used sparingly, I only use it as a treat, 10 pounds lasts me months. One or two small handfuls for 6 pullets works for me. Do this for a few days to hook them. After that as suggested while they have been free ranging before or at dusk make your move using your calling through the corn in the coop door. Stand back let them get in. I also shake the bag or bottle as I call. I find a cleaned large peanut butter bottle (remember 1 or 2 SMALL handfuls) shaken every time you call helps as well. That noise alone will excite them.
For me, any rattling treat works - mealworms, grubs, scratch, BOSS - in a plastic container. And yes I start working on them while they're inside their run. Every time I call "Chook chook chook" I toss some treats. Even once a day is enough. Just have to get a couple birds interested in the snacks and soon they'll all come running.

Once you turn them into treat junkies they should come pretty reliably when called.

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