Training my hens NOT to be so noisy so early

My coop is pitch black until I open the door. They don't make a single buk or bawk until I wake them up. I do hear them talk very quietly in their bedtime voices/calls. Having the coop pitch black helps. They don't start their racket until a half hour to hour after I wake them up. The ordinance says 7am-10pm is when hobby farm noise is allowed. My coop is also fully insulated, so it helps keep the noise level down when they are inside. I usually throw two handfuls of homemade scratch and that keeps them busy for a while too. If I let them out of the run to free range, they are quiet then as well. On hot days I do open the door early around 6 am. Good luck.

How do you make your coop pitch black with ventilation?

Another crazy idea, if you have to close your coop ventilation...can you put an air purifier in the coop to help with ventilation? I know they make the air humid, so not sure if that would work.
My 3 hens wake up at sunrise (close to 5am these days). Even if I lock them in the coop where it's dark, they hear the other birds chirping and must know that it's time to wake up. If I don't let them out to free range, they will BAWK up a storm and make me nervous as heck because they aren't legal, and my neighbor has already complained about the early morning noise. They will BAWK even if they're free to access the run early in the morning. They want OUT to forage my large fenced yard. I wish someone would have warned me how loud hens were. I thought it was only the roosters that made loud noises. If I don't hear them squawking, I usually let them out at 7am. If they wake me up at 5am, I have to dash outside half asleep, let them out, throw them some scratch or treats, and hope they'll be somewhat content and quiet until at least 7am. If I hadn't fallen in love with them, they'd totally be gone due to all the stress they cause me with their loud noises and my angry neighbors. Apparently, 1/2 acre lots are not enough buffer for the noise of 3 little hens.
This is so me!
My 3 hens wake up at sunrise (close to 5am these days). Even if I lock them in the coop where it's dark, they hear the other birds chirping and must know that it's time to wake up. If I don't let them out to free range, they will BAWK up a storm and make me nervous as heck because they aren't legal, and my neighbor has already complained about the early morning noise. They will BAWK even if they're free to access the run early in the morning. They want OUT to forage my large fenced yard. I wish someone would have warned me how loud hens were. I thought it was only the roosters that made loud noises. If I don't hear them squawking, I usually let them out at 7am. If they wake me up at 5am, I have to dash outside half asleep, let them out, throw them some scratch or treats, and hope they'll be somewhat content and quiet until at least 7am. If I hadn't fallen in love with them, they'd totally be gone due to all the stress they cause me with their loud noises and my angry neighbors. Apparently, 1/2 acre lots are not enough buffer for the noise of 3 little hens.
I've have similar issues, but my neighbors like our birds, especially, when they get free eggs, and I check in with them about noise issues. I'm sorry your neighbors aren't like that. But you are doing what I do, mad dash put and keeping them busy. Hoping it all works out. We are on tiny lots here, so our neighbors ate only about 25 feet away.

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