Transgender hen


5 Years
May 2, 2019
My hen is about 2 years old. She has stopped laying. Her flat comb has tripled in size. She is crowing and posturing. She even seems to have grown. I have heard about this, but didn't really believe it. Is it possible to reverse it?
We have a RIR that used to lay, but hasn't produced an egg in nearly a year. Worse, she mounts one of our Silkie hens about once per month... Weird indeed.
I LOVE this!!! It's too relevant to life right now. We have a hen that tries to crow also, I haven't noticed any other attributes changing but I tried to catch her on camera and se stops as soon as I start filming. I didn't believe it at first but it's so funny and I can't share because she knows I'm filming her. I even tried a sneak attack and hid all the way across the yard with a zoom lens...she still knew when the camera was on. And they say chickens aren't smart....
I LOVE this!!! It's too relevant to life right now. We have a hen that tries to crow also, I haven't noticed any other attributes changing but I tried to catch her on camera and se stops as soon as I start filming. I didn't believe it at first but it's so funny and I can't share because she knows I'm filming her. I even tried a sneak attack and hid all the way across the yard with a zoom lens...she still knew when the camera was on. And they say chickens aren't smart....
Picture of her?
I had this happen to a hen of mine. One day, she started crowing. Then she was crowing every morning. The weirdest part? She still laid eggs. I don't know what was going on with her, but she seemed pretty happy so:confused:
I had this happen to a hen of mine. One day, she started crowing. Then she was crowing every morning. The weirdest part? She still laid eggs. I don't know what was going on with her, but she seemed pretty happy so:confused:
A hen can crow if there is no rooster present and she is the top hen. She sort of takes over a roosters job but is still a hen
My hen is about 2 years old. She has stopped laying. Her flat comb has tripled in size. She is crowing and posturing. She even seems to have grown. I have heard about this, but didn't really believe it. Is it possible to reverse it?
This has been discussed so many times on this site. Chickens cannot be transgender. That is a human thing that people try to put onto their chickens. A hen can start to look and act like a rooster if she has an injuried ovary(they only have one functioning one to begin with) or a reproductive disorder. She may even stop laying eggs. However, she will never be able to fertilize an egg either. She will never turn into a rooster

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