I have somewhat of a dilemma. Currently I have three layers that are free range. I shut the coop up at night but during the day there is no run/fencing at all. My new chicks (2 roosters and 6 hens as far as I can tell), are in a large bathtub at the moment, are 2-3 weeks old. Another week or so I will put them outside in a "transitional coop" that is set up next to the larger coop. They will not have ground access. My dilemma is how to best put them in with my layers. I'm concerned with them being totally free range and not finding their way back to the coop. I'm not home from 10am to 4pm every day so not there to keep an eye on them. I was hoping they would just follow the older ones throughout the day but that may be wishful thinking.
Should I build a temporary run for them? I don't have any way to transition them into the larger coop without the layers unless I shut my layers out and I don't want to do that as, of course, the nesting boxes are in the coop. Guess I wasn't thinking about the transitioning to free range when I decided to add to the flock...
I still have to get the roof and the rest of the wire on the new one so have room to make changes/additions if needed and can be moved to better placement. The pallet fencing and hog wire in the background will not contain the chickens.
Thanks ahead of time for any advice!
Should I build a temporary run for them? I don't have any way to transition them into the larger coop without the layers unless I shut my layers out and I don't want to do that as, of course, the nesting boxes are in the coop. Guess I wasn't thinking about the transitioning to free range when I decided to add to the flock...
I still have to get the roof and the rest of the wire on the new one so have room to make changes/additions if needed and can be moved to better placement. The pallet fencing and hog wire in the background will not contain the chickens.
Thanks ahead of time for any advice!