Transporting 1 hurt chicken


Jul 4, 2019
Reno NV
I'm currently transporting one of my chickens who was packed because of a cut on her back.
I currently have her in a 2 sq ft dog kennel. She is 17 weeks old and on the larger side compared to my other production blues.
Is this safe!!????
Safer than allowing it to be picked in in the flock.
Tell us more about how the injury occurred.

Knowing more about your flock,
-your flock size(numbers, ages, genders),
-your coop(size in feet by feet with pics),
would help us help you.

Also.....Welcome to BYC! @4littlebirbs
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do and then it's always there!

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