trapped a raccoon.

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I understand totally what you are saying you have to be cruel to be kind!
I have had to deal with those same internal debates when a animal needs to be put down if it is to be done at home I personally can not do it but I make the decision and either my husband or my neighbour do the shooting.
I cannot do it fir
1 my husband would not trust me any where near a gun ( I have very bad aim lol )
2 I just don't think I could actually do it unless there was no one else available to more so because I would be scared I would not properly and put it through more than was needed.
My view on relocation of chicken predators and/or nuisance animals.

It's really better to kill them...for many reasons.

-You've just introduced trap savvy pest/predator animals into someone else's 'backyard'.

-The spread of disease is a very real aspect and why it's illegal in many states to relocate trapped predator animals.

-Releasing an animal into another animals territory could well sign it's death warrant anyway, in case you were thinking of 'saving' the 'poor little creature'. Probably a worse death than a quick shot to the head or even a 'trashcan drowning'.

Since we've displaced their habitat (and more importantly their natural predators habitat) and fed them to overpopulation with our garbage(intentionally or not)...IMO, it is our duty to become the 'apex predator' and kill them when they become a problem to the extent that we need to trap them.
go get starter fluid place havhart in closed environment ie cardboard or rubbermade box
with 1 small hole hold can over whole spray in hole works best to have side hole.... if using cardboard tape side seems
has anyone read ILoveMyFlock profile its a bit disturbing really check it out
real issues
Yes, I have...which is why I've chosen to not participate any further. Everyone has a right to their opinion whether or not one agrees with it. Further speculation and chatter regarding any individual is beneath all of us and not in line with the helpful sense of community this site aims for. I'm glad the OP's question and issue were answered and dealt with. I can't help but feel this thread has gotten off topic from it's original intended purpose.:)
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This thread is going off-topic and this has resulted in some in appropriate comments. I think we are done here now.
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