Treat ideas for chicks?


Sep 1, 2018
do any of you guys have ideas for homemade treats for young 4 week old chicks? I've been giving peanut butter, oats, and seed balls to my ducks. can chicks eat this as well?
They like raisins and blueberries and watermelon, and mine like figs. In fact, they like most fruits. They also like most bugs, but if you are giving them worms make sure they're little. They can eat peanut butter and oats, but watch out what kind of seed you give them. Maybe chia seeds or something of that size?
It is important to remember that chick starter is formulated to provide all the nutrients at the proper ratios, chickens of that age are known to need based on well over 100 years of research. I don't want to supplant that nutrition with a treat that isn't nutritionally complete. I don't give anything but starter and grit for at least the first 6 weeks or until they are out foraging on their own.

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