Treating Chicks for Coccidiosis/Worms


Jesus Loves You🌵
Apr 23, 2021
I believe one or more of my chicks have coccidiosis or worms.

Worm in poop.

How do I treat the flock of chicks (17) for coccidiosis/worms?

@azygous @NatJ @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @MysteryChicken @LadiesAndJane
How old are these chicks? Worms in very young chicks are rare. And that reddish substance is not blood, but shed intestinal lining which is normal to see on occasion.
Chicks are just over 2 weeks old, some closer to 3.

All seem to be fine.. except the silkie seems to be excessively loud (chirps a lot).


More poop pictures if needed:
Coccidia poop is usually diarrhea, so those poops appear to be within normal range. As long as all the chicks are active and good appetites, I see no reason to suspect either worms or coccidiosis at this time. But do keep an eye on that poop for increasing amounts of intestinal shed. That wouldn't be normal and could indicate intestinal bacteria.
Coccidia poop is usually diarrhea, so those poops appear to be within normal range. As long as all the chicks are active and good appetites, I see no reason to suspect either worms or coccidiosis at this time. But do keep an eye on that poop for increasing amounts of intestinal shed. That wouldn't be normal and could indicate intestinal bacteria.
Thank you so much.
Yes, all chicks seem to be happy and healthy.
I agree with Azygous. You may want to offer some chick grit for their age while they are getting grass, and as you offer other foods, to help the gizzard grind them. Most feed stores sell it. I like to place a large piece of sod in my brooder for them to peck and become exposed gradually to coccidia in the soil. Here is where to find chick grit or you may get it at your feed store:

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