treats and temps


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
I am a proud father to six 3 week old chicks(3 rir AND 3 ameracuana) I have 2 questions(well hundreds but only two right now)1. Can I start giving them a little bit of lettuce to help with the bonding process? 1a. Do I need to start them on a little grit? 2. what temp should I be at in the brooder at this point? It is at about 80 degrees.

They are so cute and growing like weeds!!
I have 4 RIR chicks at about 2 weeks old, my first, so I am by no means the ultimate authority here. This is just what I have learned so far:

Far as I know a little bit of greens once in a while is ok, but not as a suppliment to their chick starter food... they still need the starter for complete nutrients.

I haven't heard anything about them needing grit yet.
(Maybe someone else can verify this for me)

The brooder temp should go down by 5 degrees every week.
95 -first week
90 -second week
85 -third week, and so on. Your temp is pretty close though.
How are they acting? Staying right under the light all the time?

Good luck!


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