
I start my chicks on treats as soon as they are a month old. And it’s a treat! My flock are free range. They have five acres to roam. So I want to make sure they will be back at sundown to their coop.
So from young age I give them pieces of wheat bread and good quality scratch. They love both and are always there by the coop waiting for these special treats! They always come back no matter how far they are. I just call out to them the same call, chick, chick, chick, and they know it means treats and run over!
I also give them veggies and leftovers in the morning when I let them out. With some scratch and the bread. It works great for me.
I start my chicks on treats as soon as they are a month old. And it’s a treat! My flock are free range. They have five acres to roam. So I want to make sure they will be back at sundown to their coop.
So from young age I give them pieces of wheat bread and good quality scratch. They love both and are always there by the coop waiting for these special treats! They always come back no matter how far they are. I just call out to them the same call, chick, chick, chick, and they know it means treats and run over!
I also give them veggies and leftovers in the morning when I let them out. With some scratch and the bread. It works great for me.
That's the key, find out what works for you!!
I have parrots so I make " bird bread" it's simular to human bread ... It has whole wheat flour, baking powder, instead of milk I use 100 % fruit juice, eggs shell and all, chopped veggies and friuts, hulled sunflower seeds. You can use your imagination what to add to the basic bread batter. I thought I wonder if the chickens would like this so I baked a batch and they absolutely loved it. I bake several batches and freeze what I don't feed. It's a nice treat for all my birds..
I have parrots so I make " bird bread" it's simular to human bread ... It has whole wheat flour, baking powder, instead of milk I use 100 % fruit juice, eggs shell and all, chopped veggies and friuts, hulled sunflower seeds. You can use your imagination what to add to the basic bread batter. I thought I wonder if the chickens would like this so I baked a batch and they absolutely loved it. I bake several batches and freeze what I don't feed. It's a nice treat for all my birds..
Wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing.
Woo hoo! Congrats on the fresh eggs 😁

Now do you chop up the apples and celery? Remove apple core?

I didn't the celery, it was starting to turn and the apples I haven't chopped up and they get core and all. The seeds don't have a lot of cyanide and its not something they get very often. I gave them a yellow squash that was turning and they loved it too, but watermelon and mealworms are definitely their favorite

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