Treats for 5 week old chicks? Ones that don't move?

crumbled hard boiled eggs are yummy!
Oh yeah I forgot about he spaghetti noodle thing too. Not a lot of nutrition in them but oh is it ever funny to watch especially when two birds get ahold of the same noodle.

Are you giving them grit?

My chicks are with their momma, so they eat whatever she tells them to eat!
Carrots, apples, cabbage, lettuce, sprouted lentils, crackers, tomatos, mashed potatoes, bananas (very popular), raisins - those are a few of Lavender and chicks' favorites.
last night I took out carrot peels, cucumber, cauliflower leaves, brocolli. the cucumbers were a huge sucess. There was a race for the carrot peels.
. tonight they got a tomato diced. Hilarious!
I did 1/4" long crickets today (my chicks are 3.5 weeks), along with a bowl of grit, and OMG my kids and I couldn't stop laughing.

I went to the pet store, got 2 dozen so I could have some for other times, went home and let them put some in. Too funny!! You oughta try's no worse than what they'll find scratching around in their pen when they're older
I am so glad to read that its the treats that don't move..... I guess I am tired because I thought you were trying to get your chickens to move ...... lol I really am too tired to be online. Have a great night!

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