Treats for chickens

Lets see

1. sliced ham
2. peperoni
3. cooked chicken
4. broccoli, just the tops, they really dont care for the stems.
5. grape tomatoes

Thats my top 5 for my girls.

Oh and I have clover planted in their run for them.
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They can start gettin treats at just a few days, if you select carefully what you give them. Keep in mind that they dont NEED any treats, we choose to give them.

Wanna have some fun? Get some cheap bologna, a lawn chair and your favorite cold beverage. Then go out to the chicken yard and begin tossing strips of the bologna to them. They will put on quite a show.
Same here....Ese says: Grapes stolen taste better!

He is a bantam cochin and will snag cherry tomatoes off the vine and swallow them whole.....I'm always amazed at what they can down. There is a youtube post with a chicken eating a garden snake....

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