Treats for chicks?


10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
Lebanon, IN
What treats can chicks have and at what age? We have scratch grains blend from TSC for our adult chickens, and I also have some rolled oats and sunflower seeds [in the shell] that I throw out to them sometimes. My chicks are 5 weeks old now.

What about food scraps for chicks?:
I give my chicks who are 4 weeks old fresh corn scraps, grapes, blueberries, and the tops of strawberries,. Your chicks should be able to eat rolled oat, mine like small bird seed and they should be able to eat table scraps.
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Thanks, that's very helpful! Our farmer neighbor just gifted us some of his newly picked sweet corn, so I will definitely let them have some fun pecking at the ends of the cobs. :)
The only treats I gave my chickens before 9wks of age was scrambled eggs, cheese, or grapes. Starting at 9wks I started giving them frozen fruit because of the heat and leftover corn on the cob. I didn't start table scrapes until 13ish weeks. I just feel like although it's super fun to see the chicks react to treats what they need is their feed, it can be hard to tell if you are over feeding treats so better safe than sorry.
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I know this is an old thread, but I was searching and thought others might too. We have 9 3-week-old chicks and all but the australorp are extremely skittish despite the fact that I try to make a point to handle each daily. So, I wanted to offer them something they’d really like in the palm of my hand so that they don’t FREAK OUT every time I put my hand in the brooder. Tried Quaker Oats and they LOVED it! Every one overcame their fear and ate out of my hand voraciously while I talked to them. Hopefully this is okay to do daily? ...until they get strong enough to draw blood that is!

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