Tricide Neo for Bumblefoot- Still recommended?

It's not bumblefoot on the hock(s.) It's the scaley leg mites eating their way through the legs and will get worse. You need to coat her legs with vaseline to smother the mites. She will need continuing long term treatment with the vaseline until the scales grow back and legs are healed.

OMG! I had no idea scaly leg mites could actually eat into the legs, even after the scales have gone
None of my existing birds have ever had it (probably because she refuses to roost or nest with them) so I wasn't aware this could be the issue.

She has two crusty scabs, always in the same place, crusty yellow/black. No swelling as with bumblefoot (although she definitely does have that on a toe now, poor thing). I feel so awful. I've dipped in oil a couple of times as a precautionary measure, but if I'd known she was being literally eaten alive I'd have been coating/spraying like there was no tomorrow. Thanks dawg. I'm hoping she still has a chance, what with the infection as well.
I have no Vaseline but I've coated her legs in sunflower and neem oils - hoping this will help.
I just realised I've been using the term 'hock' incorrectly - the problem is on her shank. I've got a photo here that I'll attach of the bad leg - the swelling and the bumble scab on her toe are acute and have only shown up in the last few days.

The sores further up don't seem to bother her (she wasn't picking at them or limping when they were her only problem) but they are persistent. We've soaked and dressed them (yellow staining on the feet is from iodine) but they always return in the form of raised scabs - transparent yellow and dark underneath. Do you think this is mite damage?

Hi Dawg53, Sorry your right I was looking at the wrong posting number as you corrected it was # 45 thanks
Hi Achelois Sorry I missed the number of your posting earlier and I responded to the wrong post #
If you go to the post #12 That I posted
You will see a link for a video on how you can wrap a chickens foot and the complete way of how I treated the bumblefoot with my chickens including the Tricide neo
If your looking to purchase the tricide neo I would suggest going to E-bay. That is where I got mine last time..
Good luck I hope this helps
Aw crud - I was playing the "watch and wait" game with a hen that ended up with lumps in between two toes on both of her feet. I noticed them after a scaly leg mite treatment and figured it had to do with that. She is just fine except for the lumps - no limping, eating and drinking and scratching about just fine - still at the top of the pecking order. However, she has easily had these lumps for MONTHS and now after reading about bumblefoot today I'm shocked she's not already dead. She's pretty feisty, so maybe she's just too stubborn to succumb.
It has probaby been going on too long to heal up with tricide, but I'm certainly going to try that before I have to go excising hunks of foot meat.
Oh man, I just won the chicken lottery. I picked her up to check out her foot and look for the scab - I was SHOCKED to see that it looked like it was just a huge plug of mud and poo. One foot's plug was gone completely, leaving a stretched out bubble of skin, and the other's I was able to pull out. It had certainly fused to the skin a bit, so she wasn't thrilled about me digging it out, but I was able to basically pop it out by pushing down on the top and using a little pick to pull it out. On the foot that I had to pull the plug out of, the skin looked a bit raw so I dressed it as everyone else did after treatment. I was so freaked out about having to do that surgery. . .
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rogue - so how long did you soak in the Tricide Neo? Looking for that now that I spent $38 on Vetericyn today. 2 hens with bumblefoot on both feet - I hadn't even seen them limping! Soaked in Epsom salts, pulled scabs (not very big/hard) off with forceps and wrapped with Vetericyn but I am hoping to avoid major surgery or major vet bills (DH says no vet).
Just adding anecdotal experience...I was reluctant to do any kind of surgery on my girl's bumblefoot, so I tried the tricide neo. After almost 2 weeks, one foot is clear, and the other infection is shrinking. It is very time consuming - I did 5 minutes in the morning, and 10 minutes at night, also adding anti-bacterial ointment. My vet recommended also wrapping with vet wrap, but haven't been to the feed lot store yet.
So overall -a pain in the neck, but I feel it was successful.
Just cleaning every day or every other day and putting antibiotic cream on seemed to work for a couple of weeks but then one hen got it back the beginning of July, again treated for a week - 10 days and seemed OK but then 10 days later it was back again and the other hen that had been good for a month was favoring that foot too. The first hen it had abcessed through the front/top of her ankle, looked really bad, but now with just daily cleaning and treatment the swelling went down within a few days, the feet and legs look normal-sized and the pad on the worse one is normal (still a swollen pad with scab and some redness on the "better" foot).

But the hen that was never that bad looks awful now, I massaged a plug out of her foot and pulled it out with forceps but I'm afraid I broke her foot or at least severely bruised it. I swelled up the next morning, the skin on the top of her foot cracked and was leaking plasma and blood, I keep cleaning it with Hibiclens and using antibiotic cream (twice on Tuesday when DH was home) but the swelling has not gone down. She is putting a little weight on it but I haven't let her out of the crate since Monday when she flew up to the roost in the coop when I put the 2 of them in (she really hates to lay in the crate and I was also worried she wasn't drinking). No bad smell (no worse than normal dirty chicken) so I don't think it's gangrene but how long should it take for the swelling to go down? She's my DD's favorite. I'm giving her 1 baby aspirin in her water daily (81 mg), don't know that it's doing any good but I'm afraid of giving her too much.

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