Tripod Update: Pic Pg 21 May try intros today....

Yea, if he's a she the title of this thread needs to be edited - again!
I agree, like docking a puppy's tail. You don't want it to be bullied by the other chickens and surely it will be the lowest in the pecking order.

Ooops...did not realize this thread began in May!!!! Guess this chicken is nearly grown now...
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I'm confused...I don't think this link is the same chicken.

The OP in that thread got a three legged from McMurray, and later in the thread I posted an adult pic of my lovely lady. I will officially update soon
Official Update: Tripod has had a rather rough week. We have a lot of dead shrubage in our pen, and while she was walking through some, her third leg got caught on one of the branches and she couldn't free herself. I didn't notice until I went out to close them all up that night. I heard a commotion and suddenly my Splash roo Versace came flying out of the coop and attacked something in the bushes. I ran over and Versace was fighting a particularly nasty SF/Birchen Marans roo off of my poor Tripod! I unstuck her and her whole back was soaking from her multi rooster ordeal. And to make it worse, she was prolapsed from the stress. (I'm sure all of our massive roosters squishing her tiny little frame all day didn't help either). Because of the way her third hip is positioned, she is incapable of adaquately lifting her tail during mating and this seriously irritated the roosters. I rushed her inside and eased the prolapse back in, set her in a box, but a lid on it to darken it, and hoped for the best. That was a few days ago, and the other day she seemed fine. Her prolapse seemed healed, and she had given me an egg a day from the very first night I brought her in. So I reintroduced her without any complications at all. The next day she was prolapsed again even worse. We have brought her back in, (and she continues to lay and egg every day) but we don't know what to do. The darkness isn't slowing her production at all, and even if it did, once a hen prolapses she will always be prone to it. And since she can't properly mate with the roosters, they will spend more time on her trying to get the deed done right, stress her out, and induce her to prolapse. I just don't see a way out of this aside from making her live by herself. That hardly seems fair though. I do have a little Mille Fleur whose coop-mates were recently murdered by a neighborhood cat, but would it be safe to put two birds of different sizes together with no other bird around??? Man I just don't know. In any case, please pray for dear little Tripod...

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