Tripod Update: Pic Pg 21 May try intros today....

Oh no
I'm sending positive thoughts to you and Tripod
I would introduce her to the Millie Fleur in side by side cages, inside if necessary. It is not fair to leave her in the pen for the roosters to gang up on. She is at a definite disadvantage. Most chickens need a buddy, and the two of them may get along just fine. I am assuming the Millie Fleur is a hen ?????
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I would introduce Tripod to the little hen and see how they react together. If they are kept separate from the rest and get along I wouldn't worry about it. Size really doesn't matter. I have some silkie rescues mixed in with my flock and the one little guy fought his way up to sit beside the main roo on the roost. The main roo pecked him every night but the little guy just buried his head into the roo's side. Then they got over it and the little guy was "second in command". I have another little guy who is scared of anything/everyone and always hides so..........??
No, I don't mean dead. She is GONE!!! We went out for the day and when we came back, the teapots on our windowsill were broken, and she was nowhere to be found! The lid is even still on!? Could someone have taken her??? We searched and searched the house. We lost a chicken in our house!



And then we saw this.....




They silly little dear laid us another jumbo egg today. I think we may try to integrate her with my Mille (yes, she is a hen) tomorrow. We shall she how that goes....
I was all ready to type how sorry I was for Tripod. Glad that wasn't the case! Please give her a buddy soon, she looked sad at the window....

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