Trouble with black snakes.


6 Years
Sep 7, 2013
I have had 4 black snakes in 4 days eat all my eggs. I hate to do it, but had to kill them because I am not getting any eggs. I have 6 hens, and don't know what to do or how to keep them away. Anyone have some advice?
I live in the middle of the woods and we have hundreds of snakes out here. Mainly black racers. They rarely ever eat eggs, so maybe it’s something else. But the chickens usually keep them away because they are not nocturnal 🤔 It may be corn snakes or a different animal/snake eating the eggs.
Where is your location? It would give me a better idea of animals that could be eating eggs in your area. I have a problem mainly with tegus eating my eggs in Florida.
I have had 4 black snakes in 4 days eat all my eggs. I hate to do it, but had to kill them because I am not getting any eggs. I have 6 hens, and don't know what to do or how to keep them away. Anyone have some advice?
Are they getting into the coop nests at night or during the day?
Pics of your coop and run might help here.

Also.... Welcome to Posting on BYC! @paige7
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
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