True Blue Whiting info please?

How old were your hens when they started laying? I'm expecting mine to be some of the first girls to start. They were hatched 4/18 and am wondering how close they are getting.

Update! All of my hens are laying now and 6 of them lay pretty blue eggs! Whew! I have my suspicions on who's laying the cream and green eggs and they are being removed from the flock today. I'm still going to squak to Murray McMurray until they do something other than tell me to wait. Happy that most of them are good though!
Mine hatched 4/18 also hoping they start around 1st week of September but we will see. They don't look ready yet but my 4 rir that are 1 week older look ready I keep checking for their eggs. They might be mad at me though we ate the 2 rir roosters we got out of those 6. Interesting cross of breeds I'll have it have 4 whiting true blues and a mix of other ornamental ladies 1 other roos whom has not started fighting with Mr tubikins yet but I am waiting for it he is a standard by red game hen roo. The other ladies are 4 rir. 1 silver leg horn 1 phoenix 1 Egyptian 1 gold penciled Hamburg 1 I think red laced Cornish 1 I think white faced black spanish.
Sorry it took me so long. We have been flooding! Here is a picture of a typical WTB egg next to the paint swatches that were closest to their color. Still though, my phone camera makes the egg look different! I think because it's higher up than the swatch and it's doing strange color tweaking things with shading, etc. Bah!!
Anyhow, it's Glidden paint. I grabbed this card from Walmart. The egg color is closest to "Aqua Seawind", but with a touch more blue in it. I shouldn't even lost the pic because it's so off, but oh well, here it is!
Sorry it took me so long. We have been flooding! Here is a picture of a typical WTB egg next to the paint swatches that were closest to their color. Still though, my phone camera makes the egg look different! I think because it's higher up than the swatch and it's doing strange color tweaking things with shading, etc. Bah!!
Anyhow, it's Glidden paint. I grabbed this card from Walmart. The egg color is closest to "Aqua Seawind", but with a touch more blue in it. I shouldn't even lost the pic because it's so off, but oh well, here it is!

Wrap the color swatch around the center of the egg, then they will be at the same level and both curved the same way...
So here are my three girls. They were hatched 4/18 so are now 4 months old and will hopefully be laying within the next month.


This is Vega my prettiest one.


No name yet on this one. I'm won't be satisfied that she isn't a he until it lays. It's red isn't very deep and it's got grey mixed in which makes it look darker than it is(I think it's a wheaten/splash mixture of some sort). Very pretty coloring mix.


This is Roxy Heart. She has an upside down rust heart in her chest and other than that is almost pure white. (Def has some splash in her because she has a couple random small black feathers).

Hopefully all of them end up laying pretty blue eggs because I have three Easter eggers too so I don't really want any other green egg layers.

I had a splash one as well but gave her to my mother in law. She is very pretty as well and is bearded like the blue and salmon/rust one I pictured above. If you want to compare photos I have chick pics of all of them up on this thread from a while back.
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Here is the photos of the birds in my last post when chicks. #1 is the red/blue pullet #2 is the white with rust chest pullet and #4 is Vega the dark pullet. #3 is the splash I game my mother in law.

2 week update on the "girls". So they all are doing really well still. Lots of vigor and super flighty and smart. They are all over the place in body type and weight but all around the same size. # 2 is super lanky and pure white like a leghorn. #1 is the lightest but around the same size as #2 and #4. #3 is the heaviest and a tiny bit larger. If she ends up a he I wouldn't be shocked neither would I if she was just big. I'm assuming type is going to be all over the place since they are bred for egg conformity not looks.

On combs. 3/4 are exhibiting definite pea combs but #1's comb I just can't figure out. It doesn't really look like a pea comb and it's definitely not a singles it seems to have 2 rows with bumps almost as pronounced as my single comb girls. Any ideas? Could it be a rose comb or just an oddly shaped pea comb?
Here's the photos.




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