True Blue Whiting info please?

My fiancee and I are new to chickens. We have 2 in our flock, and they have the most beautiful coloring of the grayish blue feathers, with a little gold streaking around the neck. Gorgeous birds. Have yet to start laying (should be any day now, as our Rhode Island Reds are starting to lay). But as far as adding unique color to your flock I say go for it.
So we got our first egg today from one of our TBW. It's a little greenish blueish grey. I am posting what looks closest to its actual color but it's a little off. I just couldn't get it to come out right. I will try to take it in to get a color swatch. I would not call it true blue tho. Unless they clear up and get more blue.
This is the closest to real color.

This is what it looks like in sunlight on white bg. You can tell it has green or it wouldn't look like this in the sun.

And again in direct sunlight.

It's not as green as these last two photos make it look.
Here is the hen!


I figured the windows could be distorting the color so I went outside for some shots in the sun. This is almost the exact color. It has little white speckled so I am expecting it to get more blue as the calcium deposits get more even. My hands are really small btw. About 6" long for size reference.

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So here is an example of the dif between exterior and interior color. There is little to no difference.

The color is a little washed out but they are a very light blue.
Walked into my coop tonight to count birds before locking them up and one of my True Blues was dead on the coop floor. They turn 20 weeks next Monday . I checked her over and she had a prolapsed vent but not a very obvious one. I thought she was just getting ready to lay as I saw her sitting in the nests quite often since last week. But I'm thinking she might have been egg bound on her first egg.
Walked into my coop tonight to count birds before locking them up and one of my True Blues was dead on the coop floor. They turn 20 weeks next Monday . I checked her over and she had a prolapsed vent but not a very obvious one. I thought she was just getting ready to lay as I saw her sitting in the nests quite often since last week. But I'm thinking she might have been egg bound on her first egg.
Bummer. Sorry for your loss.
Walked into my coop tonight to count birds before locking them up and one of my True Blues was dead on the coop floor. They turn 20 weeks next Monday . I checked her over and she had a prolapsed vent but not a very obvious one. I thought she was just getting ready to lay as I saw her sitting in the nests quite often since last week. But I'm thinking she might have been egg bound on her first egg.
Do you give your flock BOSS(Black oil sunflower seeds)? If not, toss some out as scratch or with scratch each day. It helps with egg laying.

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