True Blue Whiting info please?


my whiting eggs are actually getting bluer with time. closest I can get to representing color in natural light. Getting closer to that robin egg blue.
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I need info please: a friend & I went together & ordered 16 TBW's from McMurray hatchery that were hatched on June 1. I kept 6 -- my friend kept 10. One of my 6 turned out to be a roo, but my friend called me today to let me know that she found a little light brown egg, on the ground, in the pen. She has 2 roos in a separate pen, separated by a 7 ft fence from the rest of her flock, but found an escapee in with them. The roos are definitely roosters, so it had to have been the one TBW (she got in with the roosters by flying or somehow climbing over that 7 ft fence.) Has anyone else ended up with a brown egg out of this breed? any responses would be appreciated. Thanks!
Read through the thread some. Pretty sure someone had some lay brown and one of mine lays a teal egg

I need info please:  a friend & I went together & ordered 16 TBW's from McMurray hatchery that were hatched on June 1.  I kept 6 -- my friend kept 10.  One of my 6 turned out to be a roo, but my friend called me today to let me know that she found a little light brown egg, on the ground, in the pen.  She has 2 roos in a separate pen, separated by a 7 ft fence from the rest of her flock, but found an escapee in with them.  The roos are definitely roosters, so it had to have been the one TBW (she got in with the roosters by flying or somehow climbing over that 7 ft fence.)   Has anyone else ended up with a brown egg out of this breed?  any responses would be appreciated.  Thanks! 
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Well my new additions to my flock just started laying.So far just 3 all blue or blue green eggs but my new additions are a mixture of EE, and WTB. So I know 2 are definitely EE laying but not sure about the new one.
I don't think we got whitings "as he bred them"

Who knows

Mr. Whiting breeds a green and blue laying line, the fact that some here are reporting 'brown' shaded eggs means the gene pool was severely contaminated, as the only way to get a 'brown' egg would be multi-generation contamination that allows the recessive white shell gene to express, not to mention the brown contamination creating the green eggs...

McMurray falsely advertised and isn't selling what they advertised, no doubt about it...
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