True Blue Whiting info please?

So I had ordered (from ebay) a combo of 4 WTB and 4 BCM... Ugh... Only one hatched, a little WTB. It has the best personality being that it was a loner and imprinted on me. But then a week later I had another batch of chicks hatch and it is acting somewhat cocky, puffing up it's chest and challenging the other chicks! This makes me sad as I am rather attached to it and cannot keep cockerels... :( It's the cutest thing and runs and jumps on me and sits on my shoulder and climbs on my head and loves to hang out with me!

Does anyone know about sexing WTB? Or if it might be normal dominance pecking order behavior for a 1 week old to challenge new chicks? Also if anyone is looking for a WTB cockerel in case it turns out to be one, I'd love for it to have a good home as I don't think I could bring myself to eat it! I am in Central California... In the case that it turns out to be a cockerel I will probably post a classified and make an extra effort for it to find a home.


New to the forum, but here are a couple eggs from my true blues that i got last week from a seller up north. I got 3 hens and a rooster about 8 months old. I also have 8 eggs going in the incubator from a seller on ebay. Day 8 now and all but 1 is looking really good.

New to the forum, but here are a couple eggs from my true blues that i got last week from a seller up north. I got 3 hens and a rooster about 8 months old. I also have 8 eggs going in the incubator from a seller on ebay. Day 8 now and all but 1 is looking really good.
Those look good! I'm so tired of trying to get blue-egg chickens and ending up with green.
Those look good! I'm so tired of trying to get blue-egg chickens and ending up with green.
Those look good! I'm so tired of trying to get blue-egg chickens and ending up with green.

Thanks! The pic is fairly close to how they look, one of the hens lays a more teal colored egg. These ones are what i would call a pastel blue in person. Hoping ill have a set of chicks available to sell for this spring :) maybe have to invest in a bigger incubator for the fall.
So have "we" reached any conclusions about McMurray's Whitings? When this thread began there were posts doubting whether the birds they received from McMurray's were pure because not all the eggs being laid were blue. Some theories were maybe some of Dr. Whiting's green layers got mixed in with the blue layers before McMurray got them...McMurray had some fence-hopping roosters...McMurray was misrepresenting what they were selling in order to make a buck?? Now that the last year's hatches have grown up, what are your opinions?

I'm in the market for some WTB hatching eggs and am leery about McMurray's stock for the reasons above. I hatched out 2 last year from a gal who got hers straight from Dr. Whiting and I'm very pleased. Luckily I got 1 roo and one hen. The roo is by far the best looking Whiting roo I've seen posted anywhere (might be issuing a challenge there if I can figure out how to load pics). My only disappointment is he's a little bit of a bully. He runs my bantam silkie roo off which may be expected, but is not acceptable. And I had him with 5 hens and he stressed them so bad, they all stopped laying and were roosting in strange places instead of all together in the coop. He might have to go in the auction this April!

I hatched 4 from them in November. Looks like 2 hens, a roo and a to be determined later. They haven't started laying yet, but they look good, are growing well and have good temperaments. So far the young one that I think is a roo has a more docile temperament and is being raised with the silkie roo. I'm hoping he can take the place of the current bully.

Back to the topic. If given the choice, would you buy hatching eggs from McMurray stock or non-McMurray stock? And regardless, is anyone selling hatching eggs NOT from McMurray stock?
So have "we" reached any conclusions about McMurray's Whitings? When this thread began there were posts doubting whether the birds they received from McMurray's were pure because not all the eggs being laid were blue. Some theories were maybe some of Dr. Whiting's green layers got mixed in with the blue layers before McMurray got them...McMurray had some fence-hopping roosters...McMurray was misrepresenting what they were selling in order to make a buck?? Now that the last year's hatches have grown up, what are your opinions?

I'm in the market for some WTB hatching eggs and am leery about McMurray's stock for the reasons above. I hatched out 2 last year from a gal who got hers straight from Dr. Whiting and I'm very pleased. Luckily I got 1 roo and one hen. The roo is by far the best looking Whiting roo I've seen posted anywhere (might be issuing a challenge there if I can figure out how to load pics). My only disappointment is he's a little bit of a bully. He runs my bantam silkie roo off which may be expected, but is not acceptable. And I had him with 5 hens and he stressed them so bad, they all stopped laying and were roosting in strange places instead of all together in the coop. He might have to go in the auction this April!

I hatched 4 from them in November. Looks like 2 hens, a roo and a to be determined later. They haven't started laying yet, but they look good, are growing well and have good temperaments. So far the young one that I think is a roo has a more docile temperament and is being raised with the silkie roo. I'm hoping he can take the place of the current bully.

Back to the topic. If given the choice, would you buy hatching eggs from McMurray stock or non-McMurray stock? And regardless, is anyone selling hatching eggs NOT from McMurray stock?

McMurray has pullets, males, and straight run available RIGHT NOW. Do you not want chicks, but rather have eggs?

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