True Blue Whiting info please?

I'm not opposed to chicks, but I'm wondering if McMurray is a good source given the earlier thread posts. Do you have experience with them?

I bought 25 of them last year - bought that many because of the time of year it was - Feb. I kept 2. They both lay a pale blue egg. I was going to buy some from a person who sells them on eBay to mix up my flock - whatever that means, but coincidently, I was bidding against someone I bought a different breed of eggs from (Bielefelders.) To make this long story a bit shorter, she won the bid. It was later, we came to realize we were bidding against eachother - she stated the eggs were actually green unlike mine (I had given her some to hatch) which were pale blue.

So, it seems like a gamble. I don't know why some people are getting green eggs. I do have 2 more hens, now, from my hatch last year, and am curious to see what egg color they llay. My Roo was a whole bunch of different colors. He fertilized anything by just looking at it. Never mean to us, and had his way with ALL the ladies roaming around, not just his own.
What I meant was, do you have WTB's from McMurray? And would you buy from them again?

It's taking a lot of control to not buy from them. The only reason I'm not buying everytime I see that they're available is because I do not want 15-25 chicks. I would like just 3-5 more. They are extrememly reliable layers through our Winter unlike my Silver Lace Orpington, and Blue Easter Egger. My WTB laid all winter, just slowed down to 3/wk average - before that they laid 6/wk sometimes 7/wk. And they are large eggs. They are great foragers, flighty, and EXCELLENT at escaping predators, yet come around for treats. I really like them. Their combs haven't gotten frost-bit either. They are not much to look at though - one is all gray and the other all black. Both with white earlobes and willow/green/slate legs
So have "we" reached any conclusions about McMurray's Whitings? When this thread began there were posts doubting whether the birds they received from McMurray's were pure because not all the eggs being laid were blue. Some theories were maybe some of Dr. Whiting's green layers got mixed in with the blue layers before McMurray got them...McMurray had some fence-hopping roosters...McMurray was misrepresenting what they were selling in order to make a buck?? Now that the last year's hatches have grown up, what are your opinions?

I'm in the market for some WTB hatching eggs and am leery about McMurray's stock for the reasons above. I hatched out 2 last year from a gal who got hers straight from Dr. Whiting and I'm very pleased. Luckily I got 1 roo and one hen. The roo is by far the best looking Whiting roo I've seen posted anywhere (might be issuing a challenge there if I can figure out how to load pics). My only disappointment is he's a little bit of a bully. He runs my bantam silkie roo off which may be expected, but is not acceptable. And I had him with 5 hens and he stressed them so bad, they all stopped laying and were roosting in strange places instead of all together in the coop. He might have to go in the auction this April!

I hatched 4 from them in November. Looks like 2 hens, a roo and a to be determined later. They haven't started laying yet, but they look good, are growing well and have good temperaments.  So far the young one that I think is a roo has a more docile temperament and is being raised with the silkie roo. I'm hoping he can take the place of the current bully.

Back to the topic. If given the choice, would you buy hatching eggs from McMurray stock or non-McMurray stock? And regardless, is anyone selling hatching eggs NOT from McMurray stock?
The ones I got were defiantly not as advertised. I'm getting some pale blue AND Spearmint eggs
I do purchase ALOT of birds from MM and I will continue to do so. You have to keep in mind they are a HATCHERY. There is no telling what type of Jake leg operations the SUPPLIERS a are running.
Just go into it with a dose of salt. :)
I've decided to go a different route. Come spring Im buying some Araucana.I will put them in with the white leggers. I also plan to put the male over the mutts to try and concentrate the blue egg gene.
I would love to see pictures of everyone's eggs perhaps on a paper towel to try and show the color the best?

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