True Blue Whiting info please?

Very nice thank you for sharing!

I'm guessing cockeral on that chick with that much comb at 4 weeks


My WTB cockerel was nice in that he didn't attack us, mated with all the girls - did not discriminate (which caused problems with my big 'ol fat Silver Lace Orpingtons), and kept his girls safe.

He does look handsome!
what color would you call these eggs?
I have 3, they will be a yael old in May.

They lay pale bluey-green eggs. They are white on the inside, (my easter eggers green eggs are green on the inside).

They are unbeliverble layers, laying just about everyday.
I have 3, they will be a yael old in May.

They lay pale bluey-green eggs. They are white on the inside, (my easter eggers green eggs are green on the inside).

They are unbeliverble layers, laying just about everyday.

I have 2 from my original MM stock, and they are into their 2nd year. One did an OBVIOUS molt, my all gray one. Just looked so ragged and patchy. My other one which is all black did not look like she went through a molt. Anyhooo, I went to get eggs today, and I must say, one does look bluer than last year. I wish my camera would pick it up, but it cannot.

Mine also lay nearly every day - 6/wk. During the molt which lasted less than 2 months? I got 1 egg a day between the 2.

I have 2 of their purebred offspring, so I'm curious about the egg color of THOSE hens. Hopefully BLUER!
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Next batch going into the mini. Got 26 going in the bigger incubator due to hatch next thursday.
My eggs I get from my 1 TBW hen is not as blue as those. It's a tiny bit more than powder blue but has little white speckles. I put her in w/ my TBW rooster and now that the eggs are showing that they are fertilized I will put the next 12 days worth of eggs in my little incubator. I also put my Americauna, Olive Egger and Leghorn in with him. I anticipate the Americauna offspring will lay much bluer eggs than my TBW hen does as my Americauna's eggs are about a shade darker already. I anticipate the Leghorns offspring will lay a much paler blue egg and the Olive egger shall lay perhaps a brighter bluish greenish tinted egg. Her olive is pretty light. We'll see. Gosh 8-9 months is a long time to wait for new egg layers... sigh.
Yeah. My one hen lays 6-7 per week. Good traits for any chicken. Will show off our chicks when they hatch; but honestly, i am not expecting mich in the way of color. She's a white with red peimitive marking and he's white with some black spots. The Americauna is a black with gold on her feathers. Not sure what thatll give me but figure black or white... not real fancy; but as long as they lay the pretty blue eggs, we have room for more.

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