Trying NOT to buy baby chicks

I cant stop myself! I think I have a problem.
lol. not true, I did pass up chicks at one TSC, only to travel 45 minutes out of my way to another TSC to get some. IDK why they dont have any within an hour of me. Probably a good thing. I would be there all the time.
I've managed to not buy any more baby chicks when visiting TSC twice, but I do "visit" them.
Plus, I already have chicks coming, and if I got any more, I would exceed the "limit" that we've agreed with our landlord.
I just keep counting down the weeks and soon it'll be days 'til the chicks come. And I keep telling myself that I can wait.
We moved to a rental too, and the chicken coop wasn't included in the rent, but one day (after I had already given in to the urge and bought some chicks) He was in his barn and I ran over and asked him If I could use the chicken coop and he said sure. No limit or nothing, just that I would have to do something about the leak in the roof. Im so excited to have chickens again!!!!!!!!
Want to know the best way to resist chicks at the feed store? Hatch your own!!
I found it pretty easy to
over the ones at the store but walk away when my chicks were hatching at home. Now I have 11 at home and get my chick fix every day!
BTW, Linda I think NYRIR is right, legally (well in my world) they are still considered half grown until their first molt so I think you are OK
I remind myself that they grow into adult chickens of breeds I don't necessarily want, and that I don't want to support hatcheries for moral reasons. I remind myself that I shouldn't buy chicks because ultimately what I want is more seramas (which I can hatch from my own birds), not anything I can get from a feed store. It's hard, though, especially when I see a runty chick I want to "rescue"! I do go say hello to the chicks and watch them for a while, though.
Uhhhh... what constitutes "half grown" chickens? <*nervously checking on the three separate bathroom brooders with different aged chicks in 'em*>


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