trying to determine if my Ameraucana(supposedly) is a roo or hen


8 Years
Aug 26, 2011
Newark, DE

"she" is between 4 and 5 months now. Has started lowering her head and charging my 2 red sex link hens that are around 10 months old. I am thinking she just wants to move up in the pecking order now that she is the same size(maybe a hair bigger) than the red heads. After her molt just recently there have been some nice long gold feathers growing in on the sattle. not too much of a comb yet, no wattles, no crowing, and as someone else asked about if there were green colored feathers coming in on the tail, no there isnt if that can help. I am sure by the colorings and the slate color legs/beard/no wattle. . . that I have a blue wheaton ameraucana. but do i have a roo or a hen?
oh no. . . not what I wanted to hear lol. looks like I wont be needing to look for a roo for my small flock, apparently I already got one lol well, either way, he is a sweet boy, not people or dog aggressive and doesnt really mind being held still, just is starting to stay back a little more to make him harder to grab, but once you get him, he is good. well, not to wait for some sounds coming from him. Thank you everyone for your opinions, I am new to chickens, got my first 2, red heads(sex links) in June this year, and then got Nuggets(the EE) this Oct. very fun and entertaining. I will keep the strapping young lad unless there is anyone out there wanting him in exchange for a good egg layer. he gets along with the red heads, only thing he has done is the head down charge maybe 3 times in the past 2 weeks for a quick second, i guess apparently being a dick, I mean a cock lol

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