Trying to help out a hatching chick that was ready! PLEASE PLEASE HELP! HELP!

Soo Soo Soo Sorry
I completely agree with Yorkshire Coop and you! Not messing with the eggs anymore. Thats for sure. Trying to calm myself and let nature take its course.
Second this advice, if I use an incubator (use a broody most of the time), I don't mess with the eggs after day 18. I make sure the temperature and humidity are okay and just wait till they come out of the egg. I know we want to see the chicks as they come out. BUT don't open the incubator, just look though the little window (if it has one). Good luck with you next hatch.
Thank you guys for all the kind words! I have the other batch of eggs hatching! Its day 24 now. On day 23 1 out of the 8 eggs hatched. IT WAS A SILKIE! Now we have one currently hatching and, another one that JUST pipped! So far 1 hatched 1 is hatching now and 1 just pipped. Yay! So, I'm waiting on the ones with the pipped holes and the rest of the eggs! Yay!
Yorkshire Coop gave some excellent advice!

It can be SO HARD to be patient. I've learned to be much less "hands on" when I see a chick struggling. I can be rather invasive and have ended up doing far more damage than good. My hatches have gotten tremendously better by just leaving the eggs alone. The ONLY time I assist is when most have puffed up and are running around the incubator, and I see one that seems to be in serious distress.

I used to check them every day, even in lockdown. Tap, tap, tapping and candling....becoming very anxious about lack of pips.

My hatches were running VERY late... Day 24, 25. Then, I added a handful of extra monitors in each incubator. MY TEMPS WERE RUNNING COOL!

Try not to beat yourself up over your losses. Just learn from it and move on. It's part of learning. I'm still new to this whole incubation thing, but I have learned something new each and every turn through lockdown.

SO happy for your new babies.
You clearly value their little lives. I think that's awesome.
Yorkshire Coop gave some excellent advice!

It can be SO HARD to be patient. I've learned to be much less "hands on" when I see a chick struggling. I can be rather invasive and have ended up doing far more damage than good. My hatches have gotten tremendously better by just leaving the eggs alone. The ONLY time I assist is when most have puffed up and are running around the incubator, and I see one that seems to be in serious distress.

I used to check them every day, even in lockdown. Tap, tap, tapping and candling....becoming very anxious about lack of pips.

My hatches were running VERY late... Day 24, 25. Then, I added a handful of extra monitors in each incubator. MY TEMPS WERE RUNNING COOL!

Try not to beat yourself up over your losses. Just learn from it and move on. It's part of learning. I'm still new to this whole incubation thing, but I have learned something new each and every turn through lockdown.

SO happy for your new babies.
You clearly value their little lives. I think that's awesome.

Thankyou! I am definitely taking your advice. Im so anxious all the time that they are not eating or not doing something right when in reality they are fine and I'm just stressing over it to make sure they are ok. Thanks again.
Hello BYC! BAD NEWS!SUPER BAD NEWS! And, GOOD NEWS! Good news first. All 3 of the silkie chicks hatched! Yayy! BAD NEWS: 1 of the chicks i think has spraddle (splay) leg so I'm trying to fix it with a bandaid. Although, on the leg that was wrong and, messed up is not fat a bit oozy and bloody and is majorly disformed. Any help? SUPER BAD NEWS: Ok so i have 4 2 week old silkie chicks 1 week old frizzle serama chick "that i hatched" and 3 silkie chicks that are a couple days old. So, i decided to move the 4 older silkies and the 1 frizzle serama outside in a brooder like i did with my last batch of chicks because, i didn't want them in the house anymore. Through all this I still ket the newborn ones inside. Later that night I went to go check on them to find 1 silkie stuck in the chicken wire "alive". 1 silkie chick ripped apart and dead. 1 silkie chick outside on the cold grass shivering and then the serama and the last silkie not found "i searched everywhere". It turns out my cat got to them and ate them. I still don't know where the other 2 are. I looked everywhere outside with a flashlight. I don't know if she ate them or they are outside freezing. Its really upsetting. Well yeah that was my update. Not a very good one but, oh well. Thanks!

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