Trying to like the things my fiancee likes


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
I love my fiancee dearly but I hate his nostalgic movies. I've watched Alien, Predator, terminator, indiana jones...hated them all. His lastest obsession that I had to see: Robocop. Omg this movie is terrible. It takes a full hour through this movie for Robocop to arrest someone and he gets out almost immediately with no explanation. My fiancee's arguement is that the police department in this movie is underfunded but I think this is nostalgia googles because I see a police department owned by a private organization that is seeing people as less value to the police force. I'm not even through this thing yet all the way but I want to shut it off. It started out interesting enough but now its just plain plot holed and boring. Its terminator but worse! I know we dont have to like the same things but do I really have to sit through them? I didnt make him struggle through my annoying movies like Moulin Rouge or What Ever Happened to Baby Jane. I want to at least act like I liked the film to appease him but then I found out there are sequels. I remember how indiana jones went...well if you didnt like the first one maybe you will like the second one. The second one is better. Probably an unpopular opinion but I only liked the most recent indiana jones. I hated all the other ones. Not just in plot but in character depth. Either way I'm sure people are gonna be all like "OMG YOU LIKED CRYSTAL SKULL?!" And quite frankly my dear, I dont care. It is not my choice to like what I like I just do. Just as it is not my choice to dislike something; I just do. Either way, rant over on that. Any advice on how to appease my future DH on his nostalgia movies that are insufferable?
Update: Ive finished the movie. It didnt get much better. I'm sorry to anyone who absolutely LOVED this movie growing up but I never saw it until now. And tbh, the graphics were not the issue. I'm a big Jim Henson fan and I LOVE the Labyrinth so clay mation and puppetry in movies just feels right to me. It was the story, the plot holes, the unidentifiable characters and the confusing and forced dialogue and segues that I didnt like. Honestly, you break a almost full bottle of whiskey so you can turn up the volume on a Tv in a window? I just dont get it....
I've been married 11 years and will still flat out refuse to watch some movies or shows with my husband. We are past the " I just want to make him/her happy" stage. We've been through too much together to care about that. For example he always likes to watch the news or heavy war time movies, etc. I watch "fun" like cooking or sometimes very cheesy chick flicks. One thing we DO always agree on is history/ alien stuff on tv. We are huge nerds that way.
I love my fiancee dearly but I hate his nostalgic movies. I've watched Alien, Predator, terminator, indiana jones...hated them all. His lastest obsession that I had to see: Robocop. Omg this movie is terrible. It takes a full hour through this movie for Robocop to arrest someone and he gets out almost immediately with no explanation. My fiancee's arguement is that the police department in this movie is underfunded but I think this is nostalgia googles because I see a police department owned by a private organization that is seeing people as less value to the police force. I'm not even through this thing yet all the way but I want to shut it off. It started out interesting enough but now its just plain plot holed and boring. Its terminator but worse! I know we dont have to like the same things but do I really have to sit through them? I didnt make him struggle through my annoying movies like Moulin Rouge or What Ever Happened to Baby Jane. I want to at least act like I liked the film to appease him but then I found out there are sequels. I remember how indiana jones went...well if you didnt like the first one maybe you will like the second one. The second one is better. Probably an unpopular opinion but I only liked the most recent indiana jones. I hated all the other ones. Not just in plot but in character depth. Either way I'm sure people are gonna be all like "OMG YOU LIKED CRYSTAL SKULL?!" And quite frankly my dear, I dont care. It is not my choice to like what I like I just do. Just as it is not my choice to dislike something; I just do. Either way, rant over on that. Any advice on how to appease my future DH on his nostalgia movies that are insufferable
Just fall asleep. ;)
I've been married 11 years and will still flat out refuse to watch some movies or shows with my husband. We are past the " I just want to make him/her happy" stage. We've been through too much together to care about that. For example he always likes to watch the news or heavy war time movies, etc. I watch "fun" like cooking or sometimes very cheesy chick flicks. One thing we DO always agree on is history/ alien stuff on tv. We are huge nerds that way.
We've been together almost 11 years and hes still insist I like these nostalgic movies. We've actually argued about Indiana Jones and how he says one thing about it should be in a museum and does another. Most of the time when it comes to television I let him control the remote. I dont complain and just play on my phone but movies like this he will pause it and complain I'm not watching.
Not married but my mom always tells my dad she isn't going to watch xyz, she usually just goes to the other room. Your husband can get friends to geek over movies with, it can be brutal watching movies that are just plain awful, lol
Not sure how long your parents have been married and I'm sure he will get over this obsession that I have to like these movies he grew up with but yes, walking away sometimes is best.

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