TSC Chicks.... Want a few more! Help!

Very cute! Find out what hatchery they came from, and then call and find out what bantam breeds the hatchery carries, and what colors. Then it should be much easier to ID those chicks.
Its Hoover hatchery. I checked the website, no photos of the chicks. The people at the store were no help regarding breed.
Call the hatchery directly; store staff won't have a clue.
On the Hoover website, they should have bantam breeds listed that are available.
feathersite has lots of chick photos online, look there too.
The darker 'yellow' ones have feathered feet.
They look exactly like red cochin bantam chicks, down to the weirdly paler head. If they have a single comb and no muffs, that cinches it for me.

EDT: picture of frizzle variety from Murray McMurray. Common breed, but I love 'em.


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