TSC has a horrible website!!!!!!!!!

If you want precisely what you want, ORDER from a breeder or reputable hatchery. Shipped to your post office. Done.

That said, if you know chicks well and can spot bargains, TSC can be a fun, if somewhat frustrating adventure. Do not go on weekends, as it is primarily chaos. Go on Monday or Tuesday when the kids are in school. It's quieter.

You'll even find bargains that the manager wants gone! Too many, too old, etc. Know what you're doing, and you can get chicks for free, with poopy butts. (just wash 'em and 90% of them will be fine), or 99 cents, or whatever. Cruise a couple different TSC stores for different bargains, if possible.

I have gone to 3 different stores over the past week. They're all doing super!!! Beautiful chicks. Managers know me and allow me to pick out my own chicks and practically give them to me. 2 RIR, 6 BSL, 8 BR. so far.
AS it stands, since stalking the 3 "local" TSCs, Breed of the Week comes in on Mondays (between 9 and 12). Tuesdays are ducks and meat chickens. Wednesdays are Pullets. Thursday or Friday is Bantam deliveries. Breed of the Week is straight run and $1.99 each. Ducks are $3.99. Meat chickens are $1.99. Pullets are $2.49. Bantams are Straight Run and assorted breeds for $2.49. Only fowl they give away are the ones that are dying or going to die (bad pasty butt or crippling injuries). Every day is chick day from March 1st until sometime in May. Here in PA, a minimum of 6 chickens is requires, 2 ducks. Any of the Pullets they have are layers.
Just want to point out that the list of stores on the Events page is new stores that just opened oe opening soon and I believe when the grand opening is..
I just called one near me and they said call at 9:00 am and they will tell if they have any. They have no idea what they will get or if they will get any till 9:00 am.
The staff is great at our local TS store in Elizabethville, PA. What Reyvaughn said is correct for the TSC stores in our area also. Chicks arive all week and prices range from $1.99 to 2.49 for chicks and $3.99 for ducklings. Last year they had some meat chickens that were left over from the previous week and they were on sale for $0.75 each. This year they are selling out within a day.
I'm from Pottstown, PA. I have 4, 3 week old brown layers I bought from Moyer's chicks. They hatch every Tuesday. Google Moyer's chicks in Quackertown, PA. I paid $2.15 each and yes, they are vaccinated and guarenteed to be hens. I'm new to this also so drop me a line if you need help. I'm in the process of building a coop. I agree TSC is not a reputable place for chicks


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