Tube feeding 10 week old chick-anyone been down this road?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 23, 2010
Ten week old White cochin, Buttercup started going down hill last week. Huddled in corner, eyes closed, no weight to her. Brought her in, put her under heat, started baytril and then she got worse, couldn't get up, etc. So Friday i brought her to the vet. My vet is awesome and said she'd try to save her for only $20. They tube fed her every 4 hours all weekend long. She is my daughter's chick and she sobbed over her Friday night. On our visit Sat morn, Buttercup appeared to be on death's door. I expected them to call and say she was gone but we went by today and she was sitting up, alert. we brought her home and they want us to continue tube feeding every 4 hours till she's totally self sufficient. I so hope she will make it. has anyone been down this road? any insight, experiences would be great. thanks!
Never dealt with anything like that myself but I wish you the best of luck with her! Hopefully someone else will have a little more insight for you.
So far so good. She is eating a little on her own,standing much more alert. Still tube feeding every 4 hours with Harrions's hand feeding formula. keeping fingers crossed....
That's great, so glad to hear she's doing well so far! Keeping fingers crossed with you
That's great that she's doing better. I've had to dropper feed a few of my chicks before. I used a Nutrical and water solution to give them a protien boost.

Best of luck to you. I'm sending a prayer your way.
Thank you so much for all the kind words, i can't believe the turn around she has made. she has been eating all day on her own for the past two days but now how to safely fatten her up? her keel bone sticks out so sharply and their is no fat on her. What foods would you all recommend in addition to her crumbles?
I would keep her on the highest protein starter food you have available to her, and make sure she has it all the time. Perhaps keep her days a bit on the long side so that she eats a little longer each day. I would also keep bird vitamins in her food each day. Otherwise, the only "extra" I would give would be boiled egg (mash it).

You don't want to give much in the way of "extras" because you want high benefit foods in her system, not things that will end up being less useful for her little body.

Glad she's doing better!
i have a new dilemma with little Buttercup. She is doing great, complete 100% turn around but now she has been away from her buddies for about 3 weeks. she's lonely and i tried to reintroduce her to her two friends. She fought the docile one and then the other one fought her trying to protect its friend. it wasn't pretty and after all that time i put into her, i don't want anything happening so i took the two other pullets out. suggestions? i don't want her to spend the whole winter alone and i know in the spring it will be even harder for her to rejoin the flock...
They've got to establish the pecking order and since she's the new hen she's bound to get picked on. Try putting her in a night because it is said they more willingly accept each other at that time. They'll come around, just give them some time. Maybe someone else will have a better tip for you.
tube feeding, or force feeding, is relatively simple, and is something of an art, ive done it alot with baby parrots, you can find info i believe on the internet, i purchased a book long ago. All you are doing, is placing the food directly into the crop via the mouth. there are a few things to watch out for, and you can cause the chick to aspirate, but it really isnt a difficult process.

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